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Star Wars

Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:13 am

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

There was a cliché opening phrase. Anyway, it's such a universal thing, that just about everybody knows about it, and likes something of it. I've almost always been a Star Wars fan, and have seen the movies, played the games, bought the merchandise, and read the books. All quite good.

Now for the polling part, there's the big one overtop of this thread (I'm trying to keep out the 1142 million book factions), and then lots of questions below.

Dark Side or Light Side? While Sith lightning is fun, the light siders seem to prevail and achieve greater strength.

Colour of your Lightsaber? Green is goooood.

Best Duel? I think my favourite duel has ended up as Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul. While I didn't like the rather abrupt end (Um, Darth Maul had the high ground?), the choreography was great. Darth Maul also did alot of kicking and spinning.

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? I've always been partial to the A-Wing. Perfectly shaped to fit into Executors command bridge :D ).

Character? R2D2. Plain and simple.

Battle? The battle over Coruscant in the beginning of Episode three was fantastic. If it had been extended a further ten mins with more footage of captial-captial ship battle it would have been even better.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:30 am

Can't be bothered with this, but C3PO > R2D2 :P

Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:41 am

Igg wrote:Can't be bothered with this, but C3PO > R2D2 :P

Oh my! *flail*

Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:09 am

Dark Side or Light Side? Evil, they have so much more fun, except for the dying part. Oh Obi-wan you know you're still no. 1, but Ani just wants to have fun.

Colour of your Lightsaber? Hmm.. Real or made up. Rainbow and if not, purple.
Best Duel? I've always liked, well, since the 3rd came out, the battle with Count Dooku or however you spell it.

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? I haven't really seen most of the Star Wars with ships, only the first 3.

Character? C3PO

Battle? The battle over Coruscant in the beginning of Episode three was fantastic. If it had been extended a further ten mins with more footage of captial-captial ship battle it would have been even better. What Chris said.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:11 am

I would most definately be dark with a Red lightsaber.

And the A-Wing?! What are you thinking?! Everyone knows that the B-Wing rocks out loud!

Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:49 am

Christopher wrote:
Igg wrote:Can't be bothered with this, but C3PO > R2D2 :P

Oh my! *flail*

:D :D :D


Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:09 pm

Dark Side or Light Side? Light side - the life span of siths seems to be shorter, like Darth Maul who only got one measly film *shakes fist*

Colour of your Lightsaber? Purple =D

Best Duel? Too many to choose from... I think probably the end duel with Obi Wan and Anakin, followed closely by Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon vs Maul, and then also Obi-Wan vs Grevious for cool points (so many lightsabers O_O).

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? Millenium Falcon and AT-AT.

Character? Han Solo, he still rocks. R2D2 is a close second though, he was excellent in episode 3. (But if we can include kotor then HK-47 :D)

Battle? The beginning of episode 3 followed by the Ewoks helping out on Endor - teddy bears fighting is always fun.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:43 pm

Dark Side or Light Side? The Light Side, most probably.

Colour of your Lightsaber? Green.

Best Duel? I'll have to agree with Christopher on this one, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul. Come on, it's fun to see bad guys get chopped in half.

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? Now see I've never been that much into Star Wars, so basically the Millenium Falcon is the only one I can name :P

Character? Jar-Jar Binks! *gets stabbed by Star Wars fans* ... kidding! I like Yoda.

Battle? The last battle in episode VI, with the Ewoks, the explosion of the death star and all, I've always loved happy endings :P

Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:42 pm

Dark Side or Light Side? Dark Side

Colour of your Lightsaber? Sorry, Stormtroopers don't have lightsabres.

Best Duel? Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker in Cloud City

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? The Executor

Character? Darth Vader

Battle? Hoth.

-Speaking of SW, read my fanfiction :)

Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:34 pm

Ew....I don't much like Starwars, but whatever :p

Dark Side or Light Side? While Sith lightning is fun, the light siders seem to prevail and achieve greater strength.

Colour of your Lightsaber? Blue. IS there blue? Otherwise, I think one guy has a purple one. That's pretty.

Best Duel? Umm...there was one where Yoda totally kicked the butt of...someone. That was cool.

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? Haven't the foggiest idea.

Character? R2D2. Wait, that's the little robot dude, right? He has major attitude. :D

Battle? -shrug-

Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:53 pm

Ahh...Star Wars. One of my favorite things. It's an important part of who I've grown up to be. It's something that has long since become a family affair. I rarely see my brothers, but when a new Star Wars flick comes out, we're there together to see it. Even if the new trilogy made me want to gag.

Dark Side or Light Side? Light Side. I crushed on Luke Skywalker so hard, it wasn't even funny. Besides, I like good guys. Althought the Dark Side lightning rocks.

Colour of your Lightsaber? Purple. It's a pretty color, besides, I rather like Kyp Durron...especially since I play him in a RP.

Best Duel? Hand severing duel on Bespin. "That's not true! That's impossible!" Fantastic stuff. And while it's not a 'duel' per se, Luke getting zapped by Emperor Palpatine was awesome. The lightning going over his teeth mesmerized me.

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? I rather like the speeder bikes used on Endor. They're nifty and fast. ^_^ AT-ATs are cool too, and of course, who doesn't like X-Wings?

Character? Wedge Antilles. Oddly enough, this was before I ever even read the expanded universe novels. I just latched onto him as a small child and never let go. When I started reading the novels 12 years ago, I was in total bliss.

Battle? Battle of Endor. Ground and air fighting equally. Lots of Antilles in space (at least comparatively), and lots of cute Ewoks on the ground. This is also why Return of the Jedi is my favorite of the movies. Yes, I realize it was considered the bad seed of the original trilogy, and I agree that Empire Strikes Back is the best of them all...But for some unknown reason, I like Return best. Might have had something to do with loving the Ewoks when I was little.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:53 pm

Dark Side. It's just cool like that.

I've always wanted a purple light saber.

My favorite duel was Anakin and Obi-Wan in RotS. It was so exciting at the beginning, so freaking FAST. You could tell that it was expert Jedi against expert Jedi, and I got this little thrill of anticipation.

Favorite Ship: A super star destroyer, because... I don't know. I think I've been on a little too long.

Character: Qui-Gon Jinn. I miss him. :(

Battle: Oh heck, I have no idea.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:24 pm

I've never watched Star Wars.

Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:48 pm

Igg wrote:Can't be bothered with this, but C3PO > R2D2 :P

A hole in the head > C3P0

Dark Side or Light Side? I embrace the darkness.

Colour of your Lightsaber? Red. Or if you want to go into the expanded universe, the Black lightsabre.

Best Duel? Anakin VS Obi-wan (IE: Revenge of the Sith)
The end of an era.

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle?
Hmmmmm o_O The good ol' Clone Gunship.
Those solid-state laser are Teh win!

Darth Sideous.
Hatching a plot that would span Four decades that we know of?
Yes sir!

Up until that stupid rat-droid starts making my beloved robot soliders act like morons anyway ¬_¬

Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:22 am

Dark Side or Light Side? Dark Side .. must follow the lovely Hayden Christensen/Anakin, afterall he joined to save Padme though it was this fact that was her utter destruction.

Colour of your Lightsaber? Nothing like the color purple.

Best Duel? Yoda vs Duku! Flip little yoda, flip!

Favourite Ship/Fighter/Ground Vehicle? Millenium Falcom as long as Han Solo is flying her

Character? Yoda. Backwards speak i do

Battle? Hmm .. so many to choose from. Lets go with Movie 6 with the Ewoks .. not the best but my favorite nonetheless
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