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There's something wrong with my eyes

Sun Nov 13, 2005 12:41 am

I'm having problems with my eyes. Now, this is going to be hard to explain but I'm going to try. I began to see these weird flashes in my eyes about four days ago. At first they were white flashes and started in the corners of my eyes and recently I've had more flashes. It looks like little balls of electric flickering in and out of my field of vision and it's now in the front of my eyes. Right now I keep seeing little pinpricks of...well, something, before my eyes as I'm typing this. I also see 'films' of things that seem to have embedded themselves into my eyesight. You know when you look at something really bright and when you stop looking and close your eyes, and you can see this weird blob of light in your eyesight? It's that but it's happening with things that aren't bright. It's everyday things.

I also go dizzy and have become very sensitive to light. When I look into bright light I get a feeling that something is protruding into my sockets. It's really painful. I've always been sensitive to light but this time it's worse. I'm also getting more of those funny bubbles you get floating around in your eyes. It seems to happen all the time, like I've things floating around in my eyes.

It appears to be worse when I move my eyes very quickly and that's usually the time when I go extrememly dizzy.

Sun Nov 13, 2005 12:48 am

I get the same thing, I was under the impression that it was caused by the scarring on my eyes (long story)
So can you remember getting anything in your eyes?
If so, im afraid there is little you can do about it, but otherwise its beyond my ken of knowledge in this field.

Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:11 am

Sounds like an advanced case of what I had. I've also had these little flashy things..its caused by retinal detachment..basically..the layer behind your eye gets stuck to the back of your eyeball and if you were to move back and forth quickly like a jolt or if someone pushed you from behind it can cause your retina to rip/tear..I'm not exactly sure what this can lead to but it's definitely not good for your eyes. However, it is rare and usually happens to old people but it happend to me when I was 17.

I suggest going to yahoo health and looking up your problems there or get a chec up with an eye doctor.

and in case you do have retinal detachment..they patch it up wiht sounds cool but you have to keep your eye open for like 10 mins cant blink even once, they put this thing on your eye to make sure it stays hurts but its worth it in the end :P

Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:23 am

SyNiX wrote:...or get a chec up with an eye doctor.

I'd say that definitely sounds like a good idea ;)

Looking up stuff on the net is handy for seemingly minor symptoms, or when your doctor has already diagnosed you with something and you want to know more... but your case sounds like something you should consult a doctor about. Hopefully it's not too serious, of course :)

About the little flecks that float around - I have quite a few of those, and my optometrist explained them vaguely to me. Apparently they are little bits of tissue (?) left over from when your eyes were first formed (as a baby). Usually the flecks hang around at the bottom of your eye thanks to gravity, but when you're stressed or tired, they can be forced up through the gel-substance of your eye, meaning that you can see them floating around. Weird, hey!

Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:53 am

Yeah bottom line, definitely go check it out with someone qualified.

Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:05 am

Have you been having headaches lately? I've heard that people can sometimes tell when they are going to have a bad migrane headache because they see lights like thirty minutes before one will hit.

Here is a linky for you:

Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:20 am

Sensitivity to light is usually among the first symptom of a migraine.

If you have no headaches (especially centered around the back of your head), then you should so an opthamalogist. Even an optometrist might be able to point you in the right direction (although they aren't MDs, so they can only refer you to treatment, not prescribe it).

Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:21 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:Have you been having headaches lately? I've heard that people can sometimes tell when they are going to have a bad migrane headache because they see lights like thirty minutes before one will hit.

Here is a linky for you:

Oh I hate that! It's like jagged streaks of white light (almost like bolts of lightning) in my vision. I know the headache is about to hit, and I should go lie down in the dark with some soft relaxing music. But usually, I end up trying to work around it (not easy when you're vision is partially blocked by those streaks) and it makes it even worse. I'm so stupid sometimes.

Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:12 am

Go to your doctor.

Sun Nov 13, 2005 12:21 pm

Igg wrote:Go to your doctor.

I'm going tomorrow because it's open surgery. Thought I'd get some feedback on here first.

Thank you for your posts, guys. I've not really been having bad headaches but I guess I could be on the way to having a big migraine or something, though. I've suffered with bad headaches all my life and it seems to be remision at the minute because I've not had a bad one for about a year. All that could change :(

Re: There's something wrong with my eyes

Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:19 am

Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:I'm having problems with my eyes. Now, this is going to be hard to explain but I'm going to try. I began to see these weird flashes in my eyes about four days ago. At first they were white flashes and started in the corners of my eyes and recently I've had more flashes. It looks like little balls of electric flickering in and out of my field of vision and it's now in the front of my eyes. Right now I keep seeing little pinpricks of...well, something, before my eyes as I'm typing this. I also see 'films' of things that seem to have embedded themselves into my eyesight. You know when you look at something really bright and when you stop looking and close your eyes, and you can see this weird blob of light in your eyesight? It's that but it's happening with things that aren't bright. It's everyday things.

I also go dizzy and have become very sensitive to light. When I look into bright light I get a feeling that something is protruding into my sockets. It's really painful. I've always been sensitive to light but this time it's worse. I'm also getting more of those funny bubbles you get floating around in your eyes. It seems to happen all the time, like I've things floating around in my eyes.

It appears to be worse when I move my eyes very quickly and that's usually the time when I go extrememly dizzy.

When I went to the eye doctor recently she asked me if I ever have any of that. And I said no.. why is that bad? And she said that it was good that I didnt. If I were you I'd get your eyes checked out, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your eyes.

Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:00 pm

It's also possible to get migraines without the headache - strange but true. It's been happening to my grandfather for years, he only in the past couple years found out what it was.

Could be a possibility, since it does sound a bit migraine-y.

Be sure to get a proper check up, though! =)
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