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omg... i can't feel my mouth

Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:19 am

omg... i just ate some starburst jelly babies.. and an apple one got stuck at the start of my pipe.. and it stayed there for a while.. and now its making me cough even though its not there anymore... and now I can't feel my mouth XD

Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:20 am


What is wrong with you!?


Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:32 am

Is it as annoying as when you acidentally swallow a gobstopper? >_>

Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:32 am

*squishy hug*


Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:59 am

Tried Drain-O ? Works every time.

Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:48 pm

I once swallowed a cream saver whole. It stayed in my throat for over an hour before melting. It hurt like hell.


I don't eat cream savers anymore.

Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:10 pm

Here. Have a monkey. -gives SL a stuffed animal-

Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:35 pm

Zega wrote:I once swallowed a cream saver whole. It stayed in my throat for over an hour before melting. It hurt like hell.


I don't eat cream savers anymore.

That same exact thing happened to me in the car. We went over a bump and it got stuck in my throat and I nearly choked. It hurt really bad once it finally went down. :( I was scared to eat them for a long time. I usually only eat the minty Lifesavers, they aren't as slippery as the Creme Savers are.

Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:00 pm


You are crazy. xD

That's why candy is evil!

Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:04 pm

*glompsquishhug* Hope all is dissolved...and resolved.

Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:06 pm

Bad pun, FM. Bad, bad pun.

Hope you get to feeling better, SL. :)

Sun Nov 20, 2005 10:28 pm

I remember one time when my mom, brother, and I were either walking to the store or coming back from it, and I was sucking on a hard candy (can't remember what type!) and mom stopped to talk to someone. While she was talking I accidently swallowed my candy, and it hurt, and I tried to get her attention because I didn't know what to do, and by the time she finished talking it had melted so she couldn't do anything. But my throat still hurt. =P I was only like... five, or something.

Anyways. Poor Yukio. XD Hope you get the feeling in your mouth back soon. o-o

Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:22 am

Amazing isnt it?
Severe medical problem? Post about it on the net.

Hey, still better than Portents medical threads i guess.

Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:23 am

Zega wrote:I once swallowed a cream saver whole. It stayed in my throat for over an hour before melting. It hurt like hell.


I don't eat cream savers anymore.

:o Eee..scary.

I only accidently swallowed M&Ms or Skittles. >.o

Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:31 am

Light a Q-Tip and see whats going on in there.
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