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I have returned!

Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:15 pm

After a long absence from PPT, I return! I would have returned last week, actually, but my internet died quite suddenly. XP

And Fidds... I drew your Sexy Gerik. Well, Gerik Crawford. He's got the lip thing going on. :D

Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:51 pm

Welcome back, Eo! I had wondered where you had gone, personally. But I'm glad you're back.

Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:44 pm

Oh my oh my :o
Welcome back Eo!
I've missed you :)

Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:53 pm


I've missed you so much! *hugs*
I'm so glad you're back! Have a cookie *gives cookie*

Uh-oh... now I have even more reason to get cracking on finishing my new RP so that I can finally post it! :lol:

Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:37 am

ria wrote:Eeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooo!

I've missed you so much! *hugs*
I'm so glad you're back! Have a cookie *gives cookie*

Uh-oh... now I have even more reason to get cracking on finishing my new RP so that I can finally post it! :lol:

Yesss. I think that's part of the reason I left... PPT is no longer as hospitable to RP as it had been. @ @ On the plus side... I've got good ideas, thanks to my new (well, old, on one account) obsessions! Not that, um, anyone would... join them. That's a problem, too.

Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:04 am

FINALLY! *hallelujah chorus ensues*

Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:09 am

*sigh* Yeah... our RPing has really slowed down... I mean, sure there are some RPs still slowly making there way along.

But gone are the good old days when I'd race up to my room after school whack the Power button on my keyboard and hurried flick on my monitor and speakers while bouncing up and down in my chair waiting for my computer to load up so I could come to the RP board and see what new developments had arisen in one of the three or four RPs I was participating in at the time (usually involving Glass, you, Reqi, Lillie, Forest and a whole bunch of other awesome RPers)....

*sighs loudly* Maybe that's why I've been a little depressed lately? Lack of awesome RPs? I'm just praying my new RP will end this RP drought and bring the torrent of creative rain we all need to bring the PPT RP board back to life (hee hee... liked that metaphor :lol: ) Erm... anyway.. you have to join once I put it up (unfortunately I've run into some complications, when, while trying to get to sleep in the 40 degree heat last night, I realised that my poor world had a humonous assortment of geographical features like mountains, fields, snow, tropics, even a desert.. but that it lacked any rivers or lakes *sigh* I've had to completely redraw all my maps and rewrite all my world-info....)

((And my, I am in the mood for writing long-winded-life-story-telling-posts today aren't I? :roll: o_O ))

Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:51 am

Ah, yes, because those are FUN!

And I think there is a new generation of RPers on Furc, because I now know many people who RP! A lot!

...But... um.. they all play chars of the same kind. Either angsty mary-sues or angsty non-sues. All female. As if to make up for it, I'm only playing VERY NON-stus, or non-angsty guys. < < Not... very angsty... and not in...

*shutting up now*

My new obsession makes me blush, because it is a crush! And... as usual for me, the object of the crush is dead. Dead a hundred years before I was born. Go me. :cry:

Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:31 am

Eo! I was wondering where you were. :)

(Remember me? I'm back from a really long absence.)

:hug: It's great to see you again. Welcome back!

Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:29 am

Yes, but I only recognise your av. < < Did the name change?

Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:47 am

Welcome back Eo. All the people saying 'RP!' might be getting to me...
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