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Your most stupid/embarassing moment

Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:39 am

Mine is awful...

I was walking into Walmart, when I realize my shoe is untied. So I bend down and I start to tie my shoe. I stand up and find myself tripping over my purse... some how. o_o next thing I know, Im making these horrific noises trying to get my purse out from under my foot. Then, I notice two really cute guys standing behind me. I stop myself to gawk at them and fall flat on my face. And they turn around, point and laugh.

Yes, I am blonde, no cruel jokes. :P

Share your moments that will make us laugh!

Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:03 am

Well, picking a most embarrassing moment for me would be like picking a favorite grain of sand. So, here's one of my recent idiotic moments.

I walk up to my sister's boyfriend, Steve; this is the second or third time I've met him.
Me: Hey, where's Steve?
Steve: I'm Steve. You've met me before.
Me: You're not Steve. I'd know if you were Steve.
Steve: Do you want to see my driver's license?
My sister: There you are, Steve. I sent Chrissie after you like half an hour ago.
Me: :oops:

I'm my defence, I honestly thought that the guy who was sitting next to him when we were introduced was Steve.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:10 am

Knowing that my most embarrassing days are ahead of me. Stupidest moments have been blocked from memory as best as possible. Here is one from my distant past.

Seaworld. Stardate... unknown. I had an 'accident' and need a new pair of pants. It wasn't even my parents that were in the immediate area to help me. No other details will be offered aside from it being quite poopy. I don't really think that is too embarrassing since I was a kid at the time, but I'll try to get more gross and creepy stories from my past to share from you.

Edit: Another, less disgusting blast from my past, was the time I hugged a complete stranger thinking it was the person who would later become my step-father.

Still nothing from recent history. I guess my brain hasn't declassified those memories yet.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:01 pm

I poo'd my pants during a talk. And I had to go to a party afterwards. :oops:

Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:11 pm

Probably my general studies exam where the invigilator asked me to explain this:


Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:48 pm

Oh no, you didn't! :roflol: Burn!

As for me, boy I've had more than one embarrasing moment.

Top two have got to be the trampoline incident and the banana-on-the-elbow incident.

Right, one morning I was rushing to get to school so I grab my dance trousers straight from the dryer and shove them in my bag. We had P.E. first thing so I jump on the trampoline first and start bouncing away merrily.

Suddenly, one of my friends shrieks "Whose is the hair bobble?!" so I bend down to pick it up from the trampoline and hold it up to the entire gym. It wasn't a hair bobble at all. Nope, it was the tiniest, sexiest g-string I owned. The gym went silent, I went red and everyone erupted. My teacher could not stand up for laughing.

Also, my stupidest blonde moment ever was when the cartliage in my elbow swelled up and caused immense pain and no movement. So my friends convinced me that the potassium in bananas would help my joints and ease the pain. Yeah... I ended up letting them rub banana on my elbow. :oops:

I have yet to live it down.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:46 pm

I think I've posted this before, but whatever.

I had just had my first date and was walking to the exit of the railway station. I tried to look very cool, mature and pretty (which was a hard thing to do, because the weather was extremely hot so I was sweating, and my feet were blistered due to walking on flipflops for hours).
The exit was quite large and obvious.
There were lots of people walking through it, too.
And still, I managed to walk right into the glass wall beside it.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:28 pm

Another one from the not too distant past for me.

My high school cut off my hand.

Here is how it happened. We were taking our senior class photo. I had the bright idea to give the 'peace sign'/'V for vistory'. When the photos came out a little while later, my hand was missing. I was already pretty well known around the school for being such a nice guy, but now I was infamous for 'giving the bird' to the class photo. Fortunately, I was also known for always telling the truth so it was very easy to convince people what really happened. It was a fun few days of infamy while it lasted.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:53 pm

Haha, once when I was little, I was playing hide and seek with my brother and I decided to hide in my dryer. My brother, for whatever reason, turned on the dryer. Determined not to be found, I just stayed in there flipping (well, semi-flipping >_>) over and over (with quite a loud "clunk" as well") until my parents opened up the dryer and I fell out. xD

Oh, and once I got my butt stuck in a cooler, and my head stuck in many things (planks on my porch, chairs, lego bucket, etc.) I have a big head. e_e

Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:55 pm

I just had a stupid moment today...
I was spinning around on my computer chair like I usually do, and I needed to stop spinning so I grabbed onto the harddrive standing up... and I knocked it over... and it kinda killed the computer while making a very annoying beeping noise...
Luckily the computer is working now... eheh :lol:

Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:07 pm

The first time I ever watched a James Bond movie all the way through... I fell off of my chair.

I like telling people that =D

Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:10 pm


I think mine might win the contest here....

this might be the most horrid expierience in all my life, because it was embarrasing to ME, but NOBODY ELSE knew it happened.

This was probably about... 9 years ago, so i was really young, and stupid at the time, and we were just getting done with a week-long canoe trip. We stopped at a nice resteraunt on the way home, and we're all scrubby and dirty and starving.... since wed been living in the woods for a week.

Now, when on canoe trips, if you want to go #2, you must dig yourself a hole, do your thing, and then cover it up.

I HATE doing that, so i only did it once over the whole trip, in the middle of the trip... I "held it" the rest of the time.

So we're in this nice resteraunt, and I go into the single-person bathroom to get rid of 4-or-so days worth of junk food and trailmix and hot dogs and smores and horrible camp food.... and, I dont want to gross you out, but its important details: It was VERY smelly, and i hadnt gone in days, so I was um.. unable to get it all down the toilet when i flushed it.... and i didnt know what to do......

so i washed my hands, and ran back to the group, and knowing that the rest of them would ALSO have to use the bathroom really bad... i said "OH MY GOD! This huge fat dude just totally clogged the toilet! I cant even use it... you cant flush it or anything, his stuff his huge!"
And since they were all stuipd little kids... you know what they did.
They ran to see the fat mans huge monster he left behind.
Oh god. I was there... like "yeah.... this.... guy... in a ... um.. plaid shirt.. .. did it." and there were 8 or so of my peers, all standing next to me, going "OHHH GROSS AWWW MANNNN LOOK AT IT!""""

And im just like...... :o

Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:19 pm

I walked into a window in the Motown Cafe at Universal Studios Orlando. The window had just been cleaned, and I was staring at my parents who were paying. They then said "Lets go" and started to walk out, so I just turned and started walking. I swear, the bang echoed through that place.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:47 pm

I tend to fall a lot--mostly due to me goofing around and trying to be silly.

The most tramatic fall happened to me in Junior High. I used to race a few of my friends from Choir to English class and we would dart out the door the second the bell rang. I was well in the lead when this guy zigzagged in front of me and I tripped on his shoe. I skidded down the hall and then two of my friends tripped on me. It was all a blur to me but witnesses say that my friends had actually flipped over in the air. Ouch. I had severe floorburn on my arms and taunting from everyone who saw the incident for weeks...

Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:01 pm

Here is another crazy high school adventure.

We had a sub in my Italian class. I was causing trouble with my friends before class started. The teacher asked for my name, and I gave a fake one. Then he called role. I, of course, got chewed out by the sub for causing trouble and lying to him. Best part, the teacher didn't even call me on lying to the sub. Worst part, two more years of high school with everyone calling me by the fake name I gave. Actually, I wore that fake name like a badge of honor. So far, I'm not really embarrassed by the stories I shared. I hope to get more stupid stories for y'all.
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