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Where's Godzilla When We Need Him...

Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:52 pm

Giant jellyfish are invading Japan!

It looks funny from afar, but I know I would be terrified if I was really there with 2 meter wide jellyfish. Heck, even the small ones scare me.

Anyway, doesn't this picture just sum it up?

Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:12 pm

i read about that.. id rather want like mothra or someone like that.. mothras more powerful, plus hes flying so he doeesnt get stung.. unless the jellies fly too...... *shudders*

Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:22 pm

Godzilla is in my basement, but it's feeding time, then bath time and then finally beddy-bye time so he won't be able to talk to you about your jellyfish problem until tomorrow. If you would like to leave a message, please leave it after the beep.


On a side note, that guy is closer than I would ever like to get to a jellyfish.

Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:08 am


That's scary... I never knew they grew that big... It looks like a sideways bowl of noodles XD...

Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:16 am

Yeep. Jellyfish are so creepy-looking. I hope they figure out a way to keep the giant jellyfish and the fishing boats out of each other's way.

alien wrote:i read about that.. id rather want like mothra or someone like that.. mothras more powerful, plus hes flying so he doeesnt get stung.. unless the jellies fly too...... *shudders*

I agree; Mothra's way cooler than Godzilla.

Help us, Mothra!

Or Spongebob, whichever!

Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:34 am

PuddingofEvil wrote:...

alien wrote:i read about that.. id rather want like mothra or someone like that.. mothras more powerful, plus hes flying so he doeesnt get stung.. unless the jellies fly too...... *shudders*

I agree; Mothra's way cooler than Godzilla.

Help us, Mothra!

Or Spongebob, whichever!

Good points. As Lisa Simpson once said when asked who she was praying to: 'Jesus. Buddha. Spongebob. It doesn't matter.'

I really think Godzilla is the better choice. We're talking aquatic creatures. Gozilla is well versed in underwater combat. Mothra would have a hard time fighting. Oh well. How about the Power Rangers instead?

Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:39 am

Skynetmain wrote:
PuddingofEvil wrote:...

alien wrote:i read about that.. id rather want like mothra or someone like that.. mothras more powerful, plus hes flying so he doeesnt get stung.. unless the jellies fly too...... *shudders*

I agree; Mothra's way cooler than Godzilla.

Help us, Mothra!

Or Spongebob, whichever!

Good points. As Lisa Simpson once said when asked who she was praying to: 'Jesus. Buddha. Spongebob. It doesn't matter.'

I really think Godzilla is the better choice. We're talking aquatic creatures. Gozilla is well versed in underwater combat. Mothra would have a hard time fighting. Oh well. How about the Power Rangers instead?

or Pikachew..... lol.. hed fry himself.. wouldnt he, because the water would help carry it.. but then again, he would also fry the jellies...

send ~:> in!!!

Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:14 am

alien wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:
PuddingofEvil wrote:...

alien wrote:i read about that.. id rather want like mothra or someone like that.. mothras more powerful, plus hes flying so he doeesnt get stung.. unless the jellies fly too...... *shudders*

I agree; Mothra's way cooler than Godzilla.

Help us, Mothra!

Or Spongebob, whichever!

Good points. As Lisa Simpson once said when asked who she was praying to: 'Jesus. Buddha. Spongebob. It doesn't matter.'

I really think Godzilla is the better choice. We're talking aquatic creatures. Gozilla is well versed in underwater combat. Mothra would have a hard time fighting. Oh well. How about the Power Rangers instead?

or Pikachew..... lol.. hed fry himself.. wouldnt he, because the water would help carry it.. but then again, he would also fry the jellies...

send ~:> in!!!

You're right! Arrow must saveth the day!

Pikachu's thunder would be absorbed by the jellyfish, strenthening them.
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