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Rate Your Teachers

Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:20 pm

Students of the World (Well, The UK, Ireland, Canada and the US, but still), every wanted to tell your teachers how you really feel?

Well, now you can, with Rate My Teachers!
Essentially, you find your school and add a comment about the teachers. They then get approved by a moderator and posted on the page for your school. I'm already the moderator for my school!

Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:43 pm

Oops :P

The highest teacher rating for me was 4.4, but most were in the 2's and 3's.

Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:13 am

Well, I couldnt say exactly what I want to say about the gits that tried to have me put into a home but It's worth a try I reckon.

Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:40 am

Good site, when you don't have all those bitter angry teenagers on it.

Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:43 am

I'm a bitter angry adult thankyouverymuch.
And i have very good reasons.
None of this "They all had it in for me" rubbish.

Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:44 am

Ah yes, this site. My friend is the moderator for my high school. I always have imagined that some teachers sign themselves up as students to rate themselves. :P

Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:54 am

I only remember my HS teachers. The lowest rated of my fav was a 3.1 . He was the only one below 4.3 . My top teachers were at 4.7, 5.0, 5.0 .

Thanks Ix. That was a fun trip down memory lane.

Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:20 am

Xil wrote:Good site, when you don't have all those bitter angry teenagers on it.
im one of those bitter angry teenagers,we put the spice in it, otherwise it would be "compliment your worst :(. only one of the coaches at our school he got like a 1.1 because he would yell at us that we were fat and we needed to run more while he was shaking a twinkie with his beeer belly.. he only tought us how to dress out really... and to run 20 laps straight on a track...

Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:06 am

I really want an Australian version :(

Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:56 am

Alex wrote:I really want an Australian version :(

Me too!

Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:06 am

lol oohh I like that site. I always wanted to do my teachers like that too.

Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:32 am

ria wrote:
Alex wrote:I really want an Australian version :(

Me too!

I emailed them about seeing if they'd ever do one, but they didn't reply :( I'm sure there'd be enough interest, too >.>

Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:13 am

alien wrote:
Xil wrote:Good site, when you don't have all those bitter angry teenagers on it.
im one of those bitter angry teenagers,we put the spice in it, otherwise it would be "compliment your worst :(. only one of the coaches at our school he got like a 1.1 because he would yell at us that we were fat and we needed to run more while he was shaking a twinkie with his beeer belly.. he only tought us how to dress out really... and to run 20 laps straight on a track...

There's a difference between being a bitter angry teenager and giving constructive criticism.

Incidently, though, my gym teacher was also oddly overweight.

Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:21 pm

Xil wrote:
alien wrote:
Xil wrote:Good site, when you don't have all those bitter angry teenagers on it.
im one of those bitter angry teenagers,we put the spice in it, otherwise it would be "compliment your worst :(. only one of the coaches at our school he got like a 1.1 because he would yell at us that we were fat and we needed to run more while he was shaking a twinkie with his beeer belly.. he only tought us how to dress out really... and to run 20 laps straight on a track...

There's a difference between being a bitter angry teenager and giving constructive criticism.

Incidently, though, my gym teacher was also oddly overweight.
he tried to doa push up but he couldnt, and he would always wave a twinkie or a donut or a glazed cooked delight at us saying we were to fat when most of us where like 1/10000 of his weight.. ok, maybe like 1/5.. or 1/3.. i dunno.. i looked on the site and he actually had a 1.0, and he only stayed for a year untill he "left without a notice" everyone knows he was fired becuase all the parents complained to the principal tho..

Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:05 am

I wonder how you'd go about rating a substitute teacher that didn't have a solid job at any one school. Hmmm. I still have a grudge against one substitute I had in Primary School, claimed he "knew my type" when in fact he couldn't have been more wrong. Spent the entire day harassing me.
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