Now, if you don't know this, I am a dedicated Linspire user. Linspire is a desktop Linux. You can find out more at
Well, today. When I tried to boot it up, after my Number Lock turned off, like always, my Caps Lock and Scroll Lock began blinking. I thought maybe it was just a quirk, turned it off, and tried a second time. Same thing. I remember that I'd be having problems with stuff not loading and crashing (the worst was yesterday, when my kPanel crashed -- kPanel is the equivalent to a start bar), so I did a diagnostic. I received a "Kernel Panic" message (and received the same message when doing a Redetect). Now, I do know enough about Linux to know that if "Kernel" and "Panic" are in the same sentence, it's usually not good.
Well, my dad investigated today. A "Kernel Panic", also known as a "Hard Panic" is the final error message, proving that Linux is not loading and will not load until you change your operating system (it's going to become a Linspire Five-O machine when I take my CAT test today). What happened was a driver had some how corrupted, and Linspire didn't load.
So, for now. I am stuck on evil Windows. <_<
I can't wait until I have it back. ^^;;
Rant over.