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Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:46 am
At night, when I'm at the computer, I see things out of the corner of my eyes. And it's freaking me out so much. The thing that scares me the most is that they're not even random. I'll explain.
Near my door, at the bottom, I see flashes of white. It happens in a split second and is that fast I can't recognise it as a shape, just...a white flash with some sort of body. It looks a little bit rounded but at the same time, not. It's hard to explain. And two or three times tonight I've quickly turned my head and gasped in fright because I saw a white thing by the door. And when I looked, there was nothing. What is it with ghosts being able to disappear as soon as you try to look at them?
Behind me, I see shadows. Human shadows. They're long, like a human body. They seem to watch me from behind and I can feel the presence of them for about three to four seconds after they appear. I can also feel coldness on my neck and the hairs on my neck stand on end because I can feel them.
I see orbs above the computer. They're flashy and look like really tiny black holes. I believe in ghosts and I just KNOW that there are ghosts in my room. If I just SAW things then I'd perhaps put it down to my eyes acting strange because of me being really tired, but I can feel things too.
I've scared myself, SO much now XD I'm not going to be able to switch the light off and go to bed. And when I pluck up the courage to do it I'll throw the bed quilt over my head and sleep in a sauna (gasping breath = heat) XD
Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:24 am
Has it been a long time since you've slept properly? I mean, I believe what your saying is actually happening, but the orbs above the computer thing happens to me when I haven't slept, look at the computer, blink, then look away.
As long as you don't see them pulling knives on you it's all good.
Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:19 am
I can "feel" things when I listen to my music at night sometimes, usually when it's really loud and I can't hear if the door is being opened or not. I always mute it and check to see if anyone is there. I also see things out of the corner of my eye every so often. It's usually because I'm extremely tired or the air conditioning is making the string on my overhead fan wiggle about.
Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:31 am
Do you use the computer without any lights on because when you've been loking at the the bright screen for a long time, you then look at the blackness around you, you see stars and stuff. You could also be just tired. Take a nap. If they don't go away after staying away from the comp for a while and resting, then maybe a eye checkup would be good.
Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:54 pm
I sleep about eight hours on a week day and about ten or eleven hours on a weekend. I always feel tired still, though, even after all that sleep so it probably IS tiredness. But still, it could be ghosts. It could!
I never use the computer without lights on. My mom's drummed it in to me that it's bad for your eyes all through my childhood so I never look at a computer without lights on.
Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:20 pm
SAme thing happend to me at my old house. What I did, after I was done being extremely scared, is I tried to talk to them. I dont know if this sounds stupid to anyone, But I think it worked. Just talk to them in a friendly tone, and politely ask them to leave. Dont say that you are scared, becuase they will take that as an insult. Just say that you really want to sleep, and that they are keeping you up.
I dont know if Im just crazy, but seriously, it worked for me.
Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:15 pm
Or you know, you could always call...
Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:29 pm
I always see glowing stuff around my computer. I never work with the lights off since it hurt the eye, but once the lights are off, then the room glows. All I do after that is remind myself how much I dislike glow-in-the-dark objects and wonder why I put them all over my room.
As to the shadows: as much as I believe in ghosts, I doubt they are the ones making them. It is the aliens that are doing that. Whenever I get weird sounds and shadows outside of my room, I am convinced it is aliens (although I spend the next 20 teriffied min convincing myself that it is never to impossible that aliens are in my yard).
If you want some really cool shadows and stuff, get a blue LED light and shine it on everything with all the lights off. Everything is made blue and has blue shadows. You can even get a pseudo-blacklight effect on cetrain objects.
Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:45 am
I agree with Kyra, if they really are ghosts then they'll probably go away if you ask nicely (not that I've dealt with ghosts much... my parents have sometimes...) or maybe you could try burning some incense?
I remember my sister had trouble going to sleep once and my mum burnt some incense cause she thought it was spirits/ghosts... or something like that.
Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:21 am
What Skynetmain said, but better! Buy numerous cathode bars for your computer, that way either you'll be so blinded you'll no longer see out of the corner of your eye (or any of it), the ghosts will flee before your neon glow, or it'll attract more of them
Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:13 am
My friend has a ghost. I didn;t believe in him untill another friend o mine saw him too, while I was there. Whenever she sees him she gets a really scared look on his ace and she never has it otherwise and my other friend has also seen him twice, both while I was there and there. She described him to us and everything and then Kat was like yeah, thats what he looks like and she hadn't ever told her about his looks before. I can feel when he's there but I cna't see him..
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