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Umm.. Club help?

Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:17 pm

Well, I'm not normally one to care for these types of things but it does seem good.

There is a group around my town called Guides, basically a youth group thing for girls and boys. The thing is, there are no boys in it.

It does sound great, they do things like dodgeball and everything. Also, a lot of my friends are in it, so I would get to spend more time with them (Yes, I have lots of girl friends [notice the space]) but a lot of the people go to my school and I would get picked on quite a lot for it.

I do want to do it but I'm just not sure, what do you think?

Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:34 pm

Hmm. Tricky situation. It's up to you really, only you can assess the situation properly.
You should think about what your other (boy) friends would think about it. If you they'd pick on you (bit of teasing is ok though I guess) try and get them to understand or even persuade some to come with you.
What other people - i.e. not your friends - think doesn't matter, and they'd probably forget about it after a while anyway. And if you're friends and true friends they shouldn't care.
On the other hand, how good is this 'Guides' thing anyway? Could you do the same things they do somewhere else?

Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:37 pm

Yeah, I'm probably gonna ask some of my boy mates about it, don't think they'd join though. The group does quite a lot of stuff, it wouldn't be as good just doing it at your house or whatever.

I'm probably going to do it.

Heh, I thought it was something to do with people who couldn't see too well at first, then they told me. No offense meant in that comment.

Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:15 pm

I can assure you very much that the guys picking on you would be just jealous 'cause girls love it when they have friends that are guys :)

Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:45 pm

Erm... it's not the actual Girl Guides is it, or just another club?

Either way, go for it and sod anyone else. You'll make heaps of friends, all of which will be girls and that will be tip-top as girls rock!

Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:56 pm

Like Twinkle said, are you sure they aren't Girl Guides (equivalent to Girl Scouts)?

Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:17 pm

No, it's a boy and girl guides. I seriously hope so. I don't think any of my friends are that sadistic (Right word?) as to play a joke that bad on me.
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