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Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:46 pm
I love the flute. I've been playing for about 7 years, but I had to stop because of my braces. I also like the cello (it's one of the most emotional instruments I've ever heard), the piano, and bass guitar
What about you?
Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:08 pm
Well, seeing as I'm a pianist and piano teacher, I would have to say piano
Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:12 pm
Definately trumpet. I've been playing for about 3 or 4 years.
Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:36 pm
I love the guitar.. but I had to sell it.
I used to play the piano.. But it had to stay in the old house.
I had an alto sax... But I broke some of the valves.
I played the flue for a year... But the keys broke when the third part kind of went threw the window in a fit of anger.
But listening, guitar and drums!
Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:45 pm
I don't play any instruments but I love the sound of the bass guitar. And I also like normal guitars. I also love harps and I think it would be great to learn to be a harpist. I already tried to play guitar though and I just didn't have the motivation. Meh. Also, I love the sounds of some of the Far Eatern and Japanese instruments. I love anything oriental (except Chinese food!)
Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:50 am
I'm a sax player...but personally love the sound of the french horn. Piano is also up there
Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:04 am
I'm not too good with playing intruments, but I like the brass and strings sections the most. Specific instruments: sax, trumpet, tuba, violin, piano, and especially the koto.
Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:13 am
I used to love playing the recorder, but stopped when we stopped playing it at school. I used to love playing the violin, but that got old fast and I quit. I used to play the drums, then I just kinda stopped practicing, then I gave my set away to my cousin, then I dropped band...
The only instrument I've kept playing over the years is the piano. In fact, longer than all of those combined, since I've been playing the piano for 11 years now. Despite how much I complain about it and practicing and whatnot, I've grown pretty attached to it and am on my way to getting a licentiate from London College.
(Okay, that may sound like a big deal, like I'm going to music school or something, but no, I'm not; they just issue the licentiate after you pass a piano exam. :P)
Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:27 am
I've only played the flute and piano, and I love both, although I like the piano more xD. I also like the violin... it just sounds so lovely. I also like bells, chimes, and other toned percussion instruments. And voice (if they are singing in harmony and not in unison x_x).
Of course a full orchestra usually sounds better than just a single one alone, though...
Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:27 am
drums are my fave, but the electric guitar comes in a close second.
Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:38 am
I play trumpet, piano, guitar and a little french horn so naturally I like those most.
Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:01 am
Take a wild guess
Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:13 am
The flute, even though I can't play ^^;
Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:44 am
Well... I don't know, exactly. I like a lot of instruments if they're played correctly -- I just don't know how to play any of them. I've tried to learn a few, but it was when I was way younger, and I just lost interest.
And now I actually want to learn them. Dangit.
However... I wantwantwant to get a Penny Whistle again (it's sorta like a recorder, I guess... it's a fairly old instrument, common in the Revolutionary and American Civil Wars and is now mostly used in Celtic music). I had one once, and just when I was really beginning to learn it, my youngest brother got to it and stepped on it*. It was made out of tin... so it bent. My next one will be wooden, definately.
I guess most of the things holding me back on learning how to play an instrument is the fact that no matter how hard I try I can not read notes. ;_; I try, and I can understand them to a certain extent -- but it takes a really long time reading them and stuff.
*Really, it was broken before that. One of the keys was sorta bent when I got it, and that made it kinda hard to play. -And- I sorta left it out to where my brother could get it, which wasn't a good idea, so...
Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:28 am
Amethyst wrote:I love the flute. I've been playing for about 7 years, but I had to stop because of my braces.
That's interesting, I never had any trouble playing with mine, past the first couple days. My retainers did give me quite a bit of hassle, though, 'til I started just taking them out.
Anyway, flute, as it's the only thing I can actually play. =D
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