My stepdad took this picture while on vacation in Carlsbad New Mexico. This is taken from the observation deck near the Carlsbad Caverns. He didn't hear anything or see it. He only saw this when he was looking through vacation pictures. Photobucket resized this, but the original picture is huge. I think it sort of looks like a blimp, but it it is still interesting. I have used adobe and other programs to try to zoom in on it more or sharpen it up. It looks more blimplike to me than it looks like a disk. But even it if is a blimp I don't know how a no one noticed it. I think of blimps as slow, but maybe this is a new kind that can go really fast.
I've also contacted and with this picture, so I am going to see what other people think about it. Hopefully they will post it in the next few hours or tomarrow.
Besides the craft in the sky there appears to be a white dot in the tree in the middle, but I don't know what that is.
In the lower left near a bush there appears to be a white x or cross shape, but it could just be two sticks of desert plants that fell on the ground in that shape. I just noticed that so I don't know what that is.
I have the huge picture up now and it can be seen at
This is how it looks right out of the camera.
Last edited by
smudgeoffudge on Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.