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When you party, what do you do, everyone partys differently

Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:49 pm

Post what you usally do here. Also just like to clearify I'm lat on getting back I was at my friends longer then expected. I'll be going for another week starting tomorrrow till Saturday. But I'll check in. Well on to how I party: me and my friends usally have the main three game systems (Xbox, GameCube, and PS2) play on those make a 3D pyrmid of popcans witht the 6 cases we buy. Then go to the mall cause trouble and sometimes get kicked out lol. Um then ya boring but it's fun also we go joyriding around town lol and we don't have licence but we drive wear police are unable to go(private property) in that case it's at my friends trailer court ha.

Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:56 pm

How do I party? Simple.

I dont.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 12:47 am

Me and my friends gather around the Sega Saturn and play Worms, which is freakin' hilarious.

Yes, I own a Sega Saturn.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:32 am

I don't really party, I'm more of a hide in the perpetual warm glow of the computers radiation kinda guy...

Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:45 am

Parties annoy me to no end, It forces me to socialize when I don't feel like it and when everyone starts acting stupid and crazy I just feel like breaking out the battle axes.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:45 am

Christopher wrote:I don't really party, I'm more of a hide in the perpetual warm glow of the computers radiation kinda guy...

Sounds like me :P I tend to avoid people a lot of the time, unless one of my friends has a birthday or something. XP

Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:28 am

Me, my penguin, and my UNIX kernel sometimes throw parties 8)

Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:21 am

I'm not a party animal. I just had a conversation about with with someone not that long ago. I prefer to just stay at home, really. I go to all my friends' parties, though. I'm never one to throw the party.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:53 am

Although I prefer to stay at home for the most part when I do happen to party it depends on who I'm with and where I am. If I'm down at University most parties involve lots of drinking and lots of dancing. If I'm at home partying with my friends from high-school then its usually drinking coupled with an endless supply of soft drinks and lollies and dancing around like loony tunes. I'm the sort of person that can turn up to a party and spend four hours sitting in a small group with some of the calmer people chatting so my actual "partying" is very limited.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:10 am

I sing!!!

I also realized that I talk too much to do anything innapropriate at parties! My mouth is far too busy yammering on about this and that to do anything else! 8)

Sun Jul 11, 2004 8:12 am

Christopher wrote:I don't really party, I'm more of a hide in the perpetual warm glow of the computers radiation kinda guy...

That's pretty much me, but I'm not a guy ^_^

I do go to parties ocassionally, but a lot of the time I stay at home... they're more 'gatherings' than parties, and everyone ends up drunk and passed out at someone's house and just...bleh.

At the parties I do go to, about 50% get drunk (off not very much), 5% sit in the corner drinking all night and don't get drunk, 40% get a bit merry and 5% (including me) have maybe one drink and have fun anyway.
At my friend's small party-gathering things we watch DVDs, play PS2, drink a little bit and go outside and mess about.
At the big parties where they like, hire a place out or something, there's more music related stuff and dancing, which I tend not to do :P

Sun Jul 11, 2004 10:51 am

Well, every year I have a bouncy castle party with WAY too much drink. It's becoming infamous actually, people ask for invites and people who I don't even know talk about them...they're pretty wild if you hadn't already figured. Every year I say "never again" but then when next year comes....back to square one :P

I had a party the other day....if you've read my LJ, you'll know what it was like! Normally we just go to people's houses and down the pub and crash at their place. They're a good laugh actually :)

Sun Jul 11, 2004 1:06 pm

It depends on the party.

If it's a big party I'll just find a few of my friends and we'll stand in a crowd and talk. If it's a small party then we'll usually just hang out like we normally would, for the most part.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:16 pm

Listen to loud music, Drink alot of alcohol, smoke and sing loudly and unintelligably to our favourite songs. Then we'll go for a walk somewhere steal some street signs and some cones. Bring them back.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:25 pm

well it's only a few of my friends and not much a socal hour, sounds like one though
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