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A Case of Mistaken Age

Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:04 am

So the girls and I are just chilling in the living room, they are playing on the computer and watching tv while I am cruising the forums and playing Pyramids, and we hear a knock at the door. I wasn't really in the mood to see who it was and since I wasn't expecting anyone, decided to wait until they called out or went away. The person keeps knocking, which peaks my curiousity, so the girls and I sneak over to the window and peek out to see who it is. There was a man we didn't know standing there knocking. In the past, this has only meant trouble, so we just sat on the couch quietly hoping he'd leave. This man keeps knocking, so I give up and go to the door and open it. This is what the man says to me:

"Are your parents home?"

I just started at him, not believing what he just said. He repeated it since I had obviously not answered. I didn't feel like explaining that I was 26 and had 4 young daughters inside and just went along with it to get this man moving. So I answered:

"No, they aren't."

He then said that he was selling frozen food and asked if my parents would be home later and if they'd be interested. I told him that I didn't think they'd be interested. He stood there for a bit like I was trying to pull one over on him, then said thank you and left.


Are my parents home? What's with that? I know I'm short (5' 2.5") and all, but I'm 26! Am I ever going to look old enough where someone won't ask if my parents are home? I know I can call it a compliment and I've always been told it's a good thing to look younger than you really are and that I will enjoy it when I'm older and blah blah blah, but it's a lot different when you're the one dealing with it. My parents always made me say I was younger than I was so they'd only have to pay the child's price for me at amusement parks and restaurants. I didn't mind that too much because it benefitted them. Now I practically always get carded when I go to a bar or club, though. If we go out dancing, my younger sister won't get carded, but they'll ask me for mine. You'd think by the age of 26 I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore, eh?

Sorry for ranting, but this just happened and it hit a sore spot. :(

Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:35 am

I have the same problem but it's on the phone and they think I'm older. People on the phone mistake me for my mom. Big diffrence 14 and 43. And once I was 10 and some one asked why I bought a child ticket. 'Because I'm 10.'. The person thought I was 16!

Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:41 am

Ay. I have that problem in reverse. I'm 14, but I'm 5'8" and my voice is deep. And I'm quite serious about my work habits. People assume that I'm 16 or older. I can't imagine that it's nearly as annoying as your situation, though......

Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:47 am

I sorta have the same problem... Whenever I answer the phone, everyone (even my uncles and aunts) think I'm my mom. Whoaa there, two differences... She's 49 and I'm 15, and I'm a GUY! -_-

Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:50 am

Well its a good thing you did not strangle him or attack him. Some times people pray for others to think of them as young. But I believe this was the wrong tme for soem one to compliment your beautiful complextion.

Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:06 am

I get that problem. I'm 19 and 5'4", and people tend to think I'm 14-15, and the fact that I'm very anti-social and keep to myself, makes me seem younger. My mother is 47 and 4'10", she has 2 grandchildren, and she gets carded when she buys cigarettes. Someday I'll be happy to look young, my mother is, but right now I'm sick of it.

Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:26 pm

I'm 19 and 5' 3". A few days before I left for university last year, the lady who came to look at our house (we were selling it) wondered who was going to college since she saw my things packed downstairs. I said I was, she looked all surprised and asked me if I was 16 and going to college early. Now-a-days, it's gotten better. I had a presentation a few months ago, so I was dressed up. A few friends and I went out to lunch and they actually offered me alcohol. I was quite shocked.

Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:12 pm

Eh, it's happened to me many times. I'm 17, but I'm mistaken for a 14 or 15 year old many times. I especially hate when I go to Albertson's and try to get a sample they have, and they say something like "Is your mommy or daddy here?" Eh...supposedly it's some law that you have to be with your parents getting a sample if you're under 18 because you may have an allergy. Whatever. Oh, and in 8th grade, I was asked if I was a 7th grader, when I was actually one of the oldest 8th graders, who should have been a 9th grader at the time!

Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:19 pm

Doesn't happen to me in that extent, just people think I'm younger then I really am a lot, only a few times have people said they thought I was older

Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:19 pm

I know how you feel, I am 12 and people think I'm 7 or 8. I know I'm 4'8'', but I talk, look, and act my age. It's really annoying when I'm with my best friend, who's almost 12 and 5'8'', and they say,"Aww, look at the big and little sisters!" :evil:
Last edited by Anna on Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:31 pm

People always think I'm a sophomore.

Seeing as I don't really fit the stupid frosh steriotype (yeah can't spell, so shoot me *rolls eyes*) and I actually have a bit of common sense. Oh, and don't forget that I'm actually old enough to BE a sophmore.


Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:44 pm

When I put my hair in a ponytail people tend to think that I'm somewhat younger. I remember once this woman at college kicked me out of the library because she thought I wasn't studying there yet. I had to show her my university's ID because she kept going on and on about how I was too young to be in college. I'm 19 and I always thought that I looked that age, apparently sometimes I don't :(

Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:53 pm

That must stink. Your 26, and you've had four children! That man must have some eightsite problems to make that mistake.

Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:04 pm

I have the same problem.

I'm about 5'4" but my sister, who is about 3 years younger then me is about 5'11". She also looks very sophisticated and confident while I'm more laid back and shy.

Many people have mistaken her for the eldest child/college girl in the family when in reality, that person is me. We were once in historic Williamsburg the summer before my senior year and the guy doing the tour must have over heard us discussing possible colleges. So he made a plug for William and Mary. But he directed the plug towards my sister.

There was also the time we went on a cruise after I graduated. Now even though I was only 18, I could still have alcohol on the boat because we were on international waters (the legal drinking age in the US is 21). So for the captain's dinner, my parents permitted me to have wine with my meal. So they told the waiter that "the one in the black dress would like a glass as well" meaning me. Well he looked at me, looked at my sis, looked at me again, frowned and said "She doesn't look 18." So I pulled my "white card" out of my purse and my sis pointed to her blue one that was on the table (Everyone on the boat has a swipeable card that acts as a ticket and is also used to keep track of things you may by on the ship. 18 and older had white cards and minors had blue). So he shrugged and gave me my glass but he was still looking at me funny.

I've been told I'll be grateful for looking like the younger one down the road. I also like to think of myself as young at I guess I don't mind it too much that it shows through a bit. :)

Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:07 pm

Most people think I'm sixteen at least. I suppose it could be taken as a compliment, but I like being thirteen.
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