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Wanna design your own music video?

Wed May 24, 2006 5:40 pm

Hi guys! I'm getting a flash music video designed ala Gorrilaz style for one of my songs "Let It Flow" (it can be heard on which will load automatically).

Basically, the concept is being storyboarded, but because it's my first videoclip so to speak, I'd love to get as many people involved as I can.

Basically, if you'd like to be involved and have your name listed in the credits for this video clip, have a listen to the song closely and try to come up with a scenary or storyline for the song - any special effects you would have in it our how you want want the video clip to pan etc. etc. etc.

Post them on here and I'll try to piece them altogether to have an awsome PPT music video brought to real life :)

Thu May 25, 2006 10:41 pm


Okay here it goes...

The video could start off with some guys sitting around doing nothing and waiting for another guy, so he arrives and gets out his guitar and starts to play, then the song sets in, he starts to sing and all of a sudden the scenerey changes, he's now on a dock at the beach, as well as the others, people pass by and wave at him and he smiles.... Then the camera rotates and is panning the beach for a few seconds, after that it pans to the ocean with kids playing and people surfing, etc... The camera turns back to the guys and they're now surrounded by people grooving along with the song, which would look cool and sound cool because it would look like the people are singing along with him.

The scenery changes again and now we see the guys in a car singing the song while driving down a road with the sea in the background. As they drive the camera shows people walking down the sidewalk and etc... It turns back to the guys and they're playing around, etc...

Towards the end of the video the camera changes back to the beach, it's dark now, so everyone is gathered around a fire, and the guy is playing the song, the camera pans to random people while they're singing the song. Then it changes to the guy singing the song, it does that wierd thing like on 'Move Along' where it shows the guy singing in various places and such and it could end with the guy driving and then he winks at the camera.

Woah, that was a lot xD

P.S.: Oh and I added the little white band to my site as well :D
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