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(you can lock this now -- I know the problem. ^^)

Wed May 31, 2006 4:56 pm

OK, so after another hard panic (you guys may remember a while back that I had a problem with my Linux crashing -- it did it again), I finally got my Linux back after about two weeks now. I haven't been able to save a picture to my computer for that long -- I've lost a lost of practice in my graphics, for sure. XD So, what happens as soon as I log into PPT from Firefox? BROWSER CRASH! :roflol:

So, does anyone who knows Linux know what can be going on with this hunk of junk that doesn't like me, aka mine and my mom's computer? We have it fixed for now, but I'm not saving many favourites this time around.

So far, we've ruled out the video card.
Last edited by DM was on fire! on Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:11 am

Is not a Linux person. I don't think I've ever actually seen a computer running Linux.

But in general, are the crashes *just* when opening/closing your browser or are they happening randomly no matter what you're doing?

Hardware to check would be your PSU, RAM, any peripherals/hardware add-ins. Also check your system memory, resources, run your scans (a/v, spyware) ... is there an option to defrag/scandisk using Linux? If so, use those too.

Finally, I just did a quick search on HardOCP forums, I found a link in a topic about using a server for gaming, from there went to the Ubuntu pages. I didn't understand anything on the forums there (I am computer illiterate), but they seem to be a friendly, helpful group if that's what you're using. I never knew there were different versions of Linux!

Almost makes me want to format an older computer and put Linux on it as a learning experience.

Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:18 pm

They randomly happen, no matter what. I logged into PPT, and it crashed. Same for NeoLodge. Also, it's crashed a couple times when I've started my browser up.

It seems to be calming down, for now. But I don't know what'll happen in a few days. o_o

There's no way to scan for spyware on Linux, as far as I know, but I'll check the CNR and see what I can find in the utilities section.

Linux is kind of like Mac, there are all sorts of different distrobutions. The ones I remember are Redhat, Ubuntu, Linspire/Lindows (the one I'm running), Freespire (a freeware version of Linspire), Debian, Xandros and Knoppix.

Also, if it helps, this is a completely revamped version. :o When I get the errors (which is during boot up), my number lock button shuts off and a few seconds later, the caps lock and scroll lock begin blinking at the same time. When I run a diagnostic, it says something along the lines of "FATAL ERROR: kernel panic".
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