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Wow! Oppurtunities galore!

Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:09 am

Ooo I'm so happy about this I've just gotta tell you all!!! :lol:

A while back, my drama and music groups in school were involved in a semi-professional film project. We got to write the script, music and star in it ourselves. It's been entered into many film festivals across Britain, shown at the local cinema and it will be shown on late night Channel 4 and Sky One. Needless to say, we had the BEST time filming it and the crew were amazing 8). The premiere of our little film was one of the those moments I know I'll never forget. :)

All the group thought that it was over and we would never see the film crew again, we were all completely gutted (:cry: .WAAHH!!) BUT our drama teacher got a phone call off both the director and the producer asking if we would like to work with them again with a theatre project (:lol: YAY!!). They said that we were the most talented amatuer group they've ever worked with (probably not true but it's OUR group they've chosen to work with!) and really wanted us to take part.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I've got to go into school for some workshops to devise the plot of the play. It's then going to be written and the script is going to be sold to many other drama and youth groups who would like to perform it. We will also perform it ourselves! I'm so excited and it's a wonderful oppurtunity for me, as I want to go into the theatre or teaching drama when I'm older! Yayness!!!!

Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:15 am

Good for you! I was once supposed to do a short film except my friend never brought his video camera and I missed the deadline....Rrrrrr. It was going to have lots of really cheesy effects too...we were going to gather lots of chemicals and use them to make different coloured flames and explosions *sigh*.

Anyway, again I say congrats.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 12:44 pm

That's wonderful!!! I'd love to do something like that! How come I never heard about it. *Goes to growl at drama teachers*

Sun Jul 11, 2004 12:55 pm

Heh. Well our school was contacted by Black Country Partnerships. What they're trying to do is bring the Arts to "more deprived schools". What they didn't realise is that when we first started to work with them, a new school with a huge drama and dance complex was being built and the drama department was thriving. Oh well, best mistake ever I think!
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