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For those who work...

Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:26 pm

So, if you have a job, what are your most enjoyable moments and what are your worst? What part of the job do you love and hate to do?

My most enjoyable moments are when me and the girls have a good giggle in the back or when we have some outrageous clothes come into the shop. I work in a charity shop, you see, and we get donations of clothes a lot. There was one outfit that came in and it looked like a cross between something Michael Jackson and Austin Powers would wear. Seriously. We had such a laugh about that.

Worst moment is when we get rude customers in the shop. Some people I've served have glared at me when I'm bagging the stuff up for them, they throw the money onto the counter instead of handing it to me, they don't say thank you or they tell me that I'm being too slow. Not my fault that the bags stick together and I can't open them fast.

The job I like to do best is changing the model. I change her clothes once a week, sometimes twice a week too, and if someone buys the clothes she's wearing. It's fun because I see myself as quite a trendy person. I even put a handbag and a pair of shoes on her if I can. And all the girls comment on how wonderful she looks when I've finished :D

Worst job is tidying the rails and 'facing up'. We have to make sure the coat hangers are all facing the right way and the clothes are all facing the front of the shop. It's very boring and most of the time the garments fall off the coat hangers and won't stay on. It's irritating as well as boring!

Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:11 pm

Being the cashier = worst.
Doing something that doesn't require thought or concentration = cleaning, wiping, moping, brushing = best.

Me = Lazy.

Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:22 pm

I've had three jobs (all of them temporary).

Best parts: Having a laugh with my colleagues, the Christmas party and it was challenging so it was fun.
Worst parts: Having to sit on the info desk for four hours at a time, rude customers and the scary biker dude who threw a wardrobe at me. :(

Best parts: Teaching a water phobic child how to swim, going fishing with my friend and our mentees and one of them managing to catch nothing but a tree XD and just playing with the kids and having fun.
Worst parts: When the kids played up or ran off or fought, Luke's kid being punched in the face by a crazy old man, getting left on the train (looonggg story!) and having to hear some really horrible stories.

Best parts: My mate coming by the Bakery to chat to me for hours on end, doing absolutely no work whatsoever, messing about with my colleagues on the Bakery and the crazy regulars.
Worst parts: The dirty old man on George, having to tidy up the underwear sales rack, not given enough help in my first week on George.... in fact, anything on the George section. XD

Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:41 pm

My only job has been working summers at my highschool ordering supplies and books/cleaning out lockers/ gathering and counting all of the books/numbering the books/that sort of thing.

Worst Parts: Actually working. The other workers (custodial) think that we don't do very much work, and personally, our job is the most difficult, the most draining, and the most BORING job in the school. They constantly tease us about not working when they sit on their butts about 50% of the day. >_> Since my partner can't push the heavy weight that I can, I'm forced to push hundreds of pounds of books around the school for the first half of the day (sometimes the whole day). Also, she gets cold way too easily, and while I'm sweating like a hog, and would *really* like the air on, she thinks it's fine the way it is... because she isn't the one hauling books. x_x

Best Parts: Heh, last Thursday. All of the workers (except the older workers, who really don't care) left to go do something away from the school and Ashley (my partner) and I turned off the lights to the lab we were in and slept, without any fear of getting caught. x) Also, later that day, we wen't up the the "Book Room" (another secluded room we work in) and did the same thing. Then later we went to help the other guys and their work, since we didn't have any, and they were sitting in a computer lab watching TV. xD So we watched TV with them, and then went into another computer labs and used the computer.

I liked that day because it's the only day I didn't feel like I was working 110%. x_x

Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:51 pm

Paul wrote:Being the cashier = worst.
Doing something that doesn't require thought or concentration = cleaning, wiping, moping, brushing = best.

Me = Lazy.

You of all people, I expected to have a work ethic. :P

I've never had a job (South Carolina labour laws don't permit me to work just yet), but if it counts, I do help my mom at the restaurant she works at stocking sugar caddies, clearing tables and wiping them down.

Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:20 pm

DM was on fire! wrote:
Paul wrote:Being the cashier = worst.
Doing something that doesn't require thought or concentration = cleaning, wiping, moping, brushing = best.

Me = Lazy.

You of all people, I expected to have a work ethic. :P

I've never had a job (South Carolina labour laws don't permit me to work just yet), but if it counts, I do help my mom at the restaurant she works at stocking sugar caddies, clearing tables and wiping them down.

lol, if you're from Toronto.. I'm a freelance writer for the BrandNewPlanet, a teen tabloid aimed for 11-14 year olds.

Best Moment : Getting your article published ^_^

Worst Moment: Having to wait for the editor to send you a once in a lifetime chance to meet someone famous (lots of writers at BNP have :P) And editing. >.<

Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:31 pm

I googled y'all and I found you guys. ^^ That's cool. they allow Americans to write? :roflol:

Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:19 pm

Best -- My co-workers, they're hilarious and just fun to joke around with. Even the managers are fun to tease.

Worst -- People asking for free stuff. I hate that. Stupid McDonalds. But next week, I'll be trained to Drive-Thru so the free stuff harassment should end!

Twinkle wrote:Worst parts: Having to sit on the info desk for four hours at a time, rude customers and the scary biker dude who threw a wardrobe at me. :(

Whoa, that's freaky.

Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:09 pm

DM was on fire! wrote:I googled y'all and I found you guys. ^^ That's cool. they allow Americans to write? :roflol:

you could try and write a peice about life in the south (the united states) and email to include your full name, town (or in your case state), age, and grade... They'll probablly put it as


Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:50 pm

I work for my parents because it's not actually legal for me to get hired anywhere, heh. But I get paid, so I consider it a job. It is, however, a very boring job. I scan financial reports into a computer. I suppose the best part would be that because the scanner is slow, I'm surfing the internet half the time. The worst part is the boring-ness.
Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.

Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:40 pm

I currently work in a post office. The best part is working the counter (I like talking to the customers) and the worst is a toss-up between sorting the mail and doing the box rent receipts.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 3:10 am

I work for my parent's small business. The bad part is the working. I have to move stuff, clean, and sweep water. I also type the mailing lables. The good part is that I get paid, although I don't really spend money mucn, and the fact that this is OUR business and all gross profits go to the family. :)

Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:41 am

I make snow cones at a local snobiz in the summer... It's pretty boring though! I get free snow cones and milk shakes though :]

Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:27 pm

The worst part is the drive because I don't really fancy going through downtown Toronto traffic during rush hour.
The best part is everything because I love doing what I do.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:05 pm

I tutor two kids in math. The best part is probably the math(I'm a total geek in case you haven't noticed). The worst part is probably figuring out what to teach them(they're homeschooled so they're not assigned work from a class), and trying to get a third grade-ish boy to memorize his times tables.
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