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I Have Returned

Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:39 am

I'm back! Guard your ears well, all ye who dare enter, or you will soon be attacked by numerous stories of my awesome camps. :P

Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:17 am

You dared us to ask about your camps, so tell all! I dare you

Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:04 am

Skynetmain wrote:You dared us to ask about your camps, so tell all! I dare you

You have doomed us all!

Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:29 am

All? You want me to tell all? Foolish boy, now we shall never leave!

Seriously, 3 jam-packed weeks would take ages to tell about. So I'll just tell you a little.

I was at CTY, or in other words, nerd camp. I was taking a computer science class, which was pretty fun(except my instructor wasn't very good). I can now program in java(a little) and solve a rubik's cube. Which I've wanted to be able to do for so long. I'm not very fast. But I can do it. And we learned some other stuff too but it's not as interesting.

I met a ton of awesome people and got to see some friends from past years again. There are crazy people there. Crazy in a good way. I had a really fun time with them and already miss them a ton.

Some random highlights:

Stummy lays
Town trips/laser tag
Ceriously Talented Youth
Ninja squirrels

Ok, that one needs some background. Well, they all do really, but this one I feel like giving the background.
We had this site director that everyone hated, and he'd keep going on about synergy. So one of my friends got the idea to get them to play let it be at the dances and say synergy whenever it said let it be. Then the site director had some family problem and had to leave. So some of my other friends managed to convince their RA that the whole synergy thing was in honor of him. And so we created a new canon song.

Ok, so that's just barely scratching the surface of my time there, but that's all I'm going to write for now. I'll tell you more later if you haven't all run away screaming.

Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:36 am

pipsqueeek wrote:Stummy lays
Town trips/laser tag
Ceriously Talented Youth
Ninja squirrels

Er, ninja squirrels?

Well it sounds like you had fun at least. :P

Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:19 am

Yes, ninja squirrels. We weren't allowed to dress up for ninja day because we're not allowed to cover our faces or some other similar stupid rule designed "for our safety"(the same reason we had to enter the dorms through the main office doors instead of the ones by the quad making us walk all the way down and then all the way back again to get in and out of our rooms). So anyway, one of my friends was going to dress up one of the squirrels(they have crazy squirrels at skidmore) as a ninja instead. Needless to say he didn't actually do it, but it was a good idea.
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