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"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:14 pm

Dee-dum-dee-dee-dum-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee...brown paper packages tied up with string..." etc.

It has come to my attention that this classic song is very much outdated! So, what are YOUR favourite things, be it visual or otherwise?

My favourite things:

the smell of bacon & coffee in the morning, candles lit up in darkness, the song "naive" by the kooks due to fond duke of edinburgh expeditions with people in my walking group playing that on their phones...will add more later
Last edited by jellyoflight on Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:21 pm

I like the smell of gasoline.

Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:22 pm

:lol: I thought I was the only one.

I love the smell of a summer rainstorm. :o

Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:41 pm

I love the smell of petrol and when it rains in the summer. It smells all earthy and nice. and petrol just has an addictive smell.

I like watching and listening to a good thunderstorm, especially at night as the whole sky lights up. We had one last night and I was up watching it. It was great!

I like the call of the diver. A diver is a type of bird. You may be familiar with its other name, the loon.

I also love the sound of rain pattering on a window. And I like it when there's a gail blowing outside and all the trees are blowing about. I also like the sound the trees make in a gail too.

I'm all for nature! 'Cept for the petrol one. Heh.

Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:43 pm

I like the smell of petrol, white spirit, uhm, cellulose paint thinners.. stuff like that.

Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:46 pm

I once sang that song in the choir... back in the day... when I was in Year Four I think :roflol:

Hmm... outdated?

Snowflakes on white roads and bright eyes on rabbits
Hot melted chocolate with spoonfuls of whipped cream
Hand-written cards that come with lots of love
These are a few of my fave...ourite things!

(feel free to laugh)

Fri Jul 28, 2006 12:27 am

I love a lot of stuff...I really like the smell of grass in the springtime and the smell of a pool during the summer. Anything sweet tasting is good, including chocolate and ice cream. Oh, and I love music - I think I listen to it a little too much. I actually put batteries in my CD player several days ago and they're already dead. :P But probably my favorite thing ever is getting to spend time with my best friends and laugh non-stop - we're CRAZY. :D

Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:52 am

Oh my... I love that song.

I also love... hearing songs without words, daydreaming, eating soup-filled dumplings... and of course, the smell of most foods =). And I like walking in the rain, and the dark.

Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:34 am

The Chicago skyline, ramen noodles, and the Spanish language.

Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:20 pm

Barbeque sauce, brisket being barbequed on a grill, fajitas, the smell of leather, the smell of rain, and also the Paris skyline.

Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:35 pm

The smell of firework smoke.

When you're really high up in the mountain, you can catch a snowflake and it's really big and you can see the pattern clearly.

Pop! <3 Not Coke or Pepsi, I love Fresca and Dr. Pepper.

Ramen, especially the spicy Korean kind.

My two favorite shows of all time, House and Will & Grace. :3

Re: "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:24 pm

jellyoflight wrote:Dee-dum-dee-dee-dum-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee...brown paper packages tied up with string..." etc.

i think it's "brown copper kettles and warm woolen mittens"

Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:52 pm

I like receiving random text messages from my friends, because that means they were bored and thought of me. Also, watching the Simpsons on DVD with the commentary on, and going for walks alone late at night(though I can't do that anymore, as it bugs my mom). And odd as it sounds, I like paying for dinner when I go out with my friends as it means I'm out with my friends AND I have money.
There are many many other things, but these were what came to mind first and weren't mushy beyond belief.

Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:57 pm

Hehehehe, I love this...

My favorite things?
Green grass.
Songs that play at just the right moment.

Fri Jul 28, 2006 7:26 pm

Hmm yeah my favourite things :)

* The school subjects French, Humanities and Science
* My co-tutor in Year Eight
* My tutor since Year Seven
* Heathers (flower)
* Classical music
* The flute
* Spending a month's worth of neopoints in one go :roflol:
* My friends <3
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