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some people think...

Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:02 am

some people think i'm crazy.
they're always cimmenting on how i behave lol.
if anyone thinks your crazy/ funny / silly or anything like that reply to this post.

Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:28 pm

My best friend thought I was nuts on Monday and Tuesday.

Of course, that was due to my extreme caffeine consumption, resulting in me "bouncing off the walls", and not being able to stop laughing.

Do you know how hard it is to play clarinet when you're laughing at the trumpets making seaside noises during a slow section sitting behind you? It's very hard.

Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:32 pm

i know how it feels
i was doing singing contest and i could see out the window and i just burst out laughing

Wed Aug 09, 2006 2:09 pm

Alex wrote:Do you know how hard it is to play clarinet when you're laughing at the trumpets making seaside noises during a slow section sitting behind you? It's very hard.

Haha do you know how hard it is to play trumpet when the trumpets right next to you just cracked one of the funniest jokes ever? Yea pretty hard :P

Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:01 pm

I played the trumpet in high school... it's very hard to play and laugh. it comes out all "wiggly" sounding. Like if you're playing a note (let's say c) it comes out cccccCCCCCCCCccCcCCccccCCC it's very funny sounding. Or you'll just be playing and if a quick laugh comes out it just goes BLAT!!! rofl

Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:48 pm

I was being nuts in class this one time in October and my teacher almost sent me for a drug test.

I was totally sober!

Everyone else is just boring, I say... :P

Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:50 pm

Asparagus Queen wrote:I played the trumpet in high school... it's very hard to play and laugh. it comes out all "wiggly" sounding. Like if you're playing a note (let's say c) it comes out cccccCCCCCCCCccCcCCccccCCC it's very funny sounding. Or you'll just be playing and if a quick laugh comes out it just goes BLAT!!! rofl

Heh. You inadvertantly summoned me :P

Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:48 pm

Asparagus Queen wrote:I played the trumpet in high school... it's very hard to play and laugh. it comes out all "wiggly" sounding. Like if you're playing a note (let's say c) it comes out cccccCCCCCCCCccCcCCccccCCC it's very funny sounding. Or you'll just be playing and if a quick laugh comes out it just goes BLAT!!! rofl

I've had the blat come out pretty loud...during marching practice outside. I just said that I tripped over a rock and yea haha

Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:01 pm

Most people think I'm crazy. Sometimes I come out with completely random stuff like "Pineapple" or "JAPAN!" Other times I'll just go completely mental and start throwing chairs around and smashing windows and stuff. Sometimes people cimment me to the floor just to stop me being so mad and crazy and funny-silly all the time.

Other times I'm much more sedate and enjoy debating existential questions.

Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:18 am

My friend and I are pretty much crazy when we get around each other. Here's a typical AIM conversation:

him: I hate it when my ears get all poppy
me: I hate it when people melt into little flesh-colored puddles
him: that is annoying
him: you're trying to talk to them
him: and then they melt
me: Exactly
him: it's like "ugh! how rude sir!"

I bring up a semirandom concept, and he takes it and turns it into something funny. We work well together.

Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:14 am

I know what you mean, like some people think I'm like crazy and stuff but thats because of the things I've done in the past which I wont tell anyone again.

Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:25 am

People don't think I'm crazy so much as they think I'm mean. =D

Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:20 am

Lost wrote:
Alex wrote:Do you know how hard it is to play clarinet when you're laughing at the trumpets making seaside noises during a slow section sitting behind you? It's very hard.

Haha do you know how hard it is to play trumpet when the trumpets right next to you just cracked one of the funniest jokes ever? Yea pretty hard :P

thankfully its still possible (but a bit tricky) to play the cello while laughing

Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:28 am

Don't know, so very few people tell me that I'm nuts, except a couple of friends, but then again, would you tell someone that you think is insane that they're crazy? Yep, not a good idea, I suppose.

Don't worry though, we're all nuts, so on retrospect, I suppose you're absolutely normal... except you know, abnormal.

Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:52 am

Oh, I'm crazeh! Everylne who's met me has admitted they'd found me at least a little weird.

For the record, I can play bassoon and snort in amusement at the same time. Actually laughing often comes out as an odd sounding honk.
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