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Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:54 am

What did your parents sing to you when you were little? Link to the lyrics so we can all read them. :)

Pressed Rat and Warthog
Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley
Rocky Racoon
Jamaica Farewell
Sleepy Time Time
A Little Bit of Heaven
Tura Lura
Comfortably Numb
Hey You

Dad liked singing, as you can see. I loved his songs because they were almost all stories. I often requested "Rocky Racoon", even though I was too little to know the whole deal with Gideon's Bibles. I just thought a man named Gideon forgot his Bible in the hotel. :P

Palomita Blanca(Spanish with a rough English translation in italics)
Palomita Blanca
Del piquito azul
Llevame en tus alas
A ver a Jesus
Si ninita buena
Yo te llevare
Porque con mamita
Te hay portado bien.

White dove
With a blue beak
Take me on your wings
To see Jesus
Yes good little girl
Because to your mother
You have been very good

That's the only song I remember her singing, and I asked her to sing it all the time, usually after stories. I remember once I got her to sing it twice after she read me "Goodnight Moon".

Post the lullabies you remember!

Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:06 am

Haha, that's pretty neat. I like those lullabies.

As for me, my mom and dad never sang to me. Just threatened a dog would eat me if I didn't go to sleep.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:30 am

Ammer wrote:Haha, that's pretty neat. I like those lullabies.

As for me, my mom and dad never sang to me. Just threatened a dog would eat me if I didn't go to sleep.

Same, except in my case it was wolves.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:20 am

WIS wrote:
Ammer wrote:Haha, that's pretty neat. I like those lullabies.

As for me, my mom and dad never sang to me. Just threatened a dog would eat me if I didn't go to sleep.

Same, except in my case it was wolves.

What a tragic way of saying goodnight. o_O

I don't really know the lyrics to my lullabies. There was one, that began something like this:

Lan lan tian kong [...]
You zhi xiao bai chuan
Chuan shang you [...] shu
Bai tu zai you wan

Piao a, piao a,

Yeah, I should really ask my mother how it went and get the actual lyrics. Roughly translated into English:

Blue blue skies [something about water, I'm sure]
There's a small white boat
On the boat is a [...] tree
White rabbit is playing

Floating, floating [and then I've lost the rest].

Go me and my memory!

Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:10 am

Boci, boci, tarka
Se füle, se farka
Oda megyünk lakni,
Ahol tejet kapni.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:29 am

This was my fave...

Chorus: Ally bally ally bally bee,
Sittin on yer mammy's knee
Waitin for a wee boabie
Tae buy some Coulter's candy.

1. Mammy gimme ma thrifty doon
Here's auld Coulter comin' roon
Wi' a basket on his croon
Sellin' the Coulter's candy

2. Little Annie's greetin' tae
Sae whit can puir wee Mammy dae
But gie them a penny atween them twae
Tae buy mair Coulter's candy

3. Ally bally, ally bally bee
When ye grow up you'll go tae sea
Makin' pennies for your daddy and me
Tae buy mair Coulter's candy

4. Times are gettin' hard the noo
Yer daddys singin' on the brew
Yer Mammys' still got a penny or two
Tae buy some Coulter's candy

5. Poor wee Jennie's lookin' awfu' thin
A rickle of banes kivvered o'er wi' skin
Noo she's gettin' a wee double chin
From sookin' on Coulter's candy

6. Come my lamb, my wee, wee girl
Run doon that road as fast as y'can
Pay your money tae the sweetie man
For a big bag of Coulter's candy

There was others that I can't remember but it was a song about how Glasgow was built and The Jeelie Piece Song:

I'm a skyscraper wean; I live on the nineteenth flair,
But I'm no' gaun oot tae play ony mair,
'Cause since we moved tae Castlemilk, I'm wastin' away
'Cause I'm getting' wan meal less every day:

Oh ye cannae fling pieces oot a twenty story flat,
Seven hundred hungry weans will testify to that.
If it's butter, cheese or jeely, if the breid is plain or pan,
The odds against it reaching earth are ninety-nine tae wan.

On the first day ma maw flung oot a daud o' Hovis broon;
It came skytin' oot the windae and went up insteid o' doon.
Noo every twenty-seven hours it comes back intae sight
'Cause ma piece went intae orbit and became a satellite.

On the second day ma maw flung me a piece oot wance again.
It went and hut the pilot in a fast low-flying plane.
He scraped it aff his goggles, shouting through the intercom,
"The Clydeside Reds huv goat me wi' a breid-an-jeely bomb."

On the third day ma maw thought she would try another throw.
The Salvation Army band was staunin' doon below.
"Onward Christian Soldiers" was the piece they should've played
But the oompahman was playing a piece an' marmalade.

We've wrote away to Oxfam to try an' get some aid,
An a' the weans in Castlemilk have formed a 'piece-brigade'.
We're gonnae march to George's Square demanding civil rights
Like nae mair hooses ower piece-flinging height.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:09 pm

My dad used to sing "Polly Wolly Doodle" to me and rock me in a chair when I was really little.

My grandpa used to sing something that was like
I wish I had a nickle
I wish I had a dime
I wish I had a little girl to love me all the time.

My mother I don't remember singing to me as much. But she did read to me.

My grandma used to sing this song:
Which really freaks me out when I think about it. But I never left the yard and went wandering away. I didn't want to end up like the poor babes in the woods and die. ... index.html
The real audio doesn't work but the quicktime one does, But
please forgive me for this if you do listen to it, that man can NOT SING!
Oh and in my grandma's version of the song the kids were not stolen away. I think it was like this "They wandered away on a bright summers day and were lost in the woods, so I heard people say."

My grandma also would tell me a story that was sort of like this:

One upon a time there was a poor little boy who had nothing to eat. He looked around but his cubboard was empty, so he went outside to see what he could find to eat. Then he found a bird's nest with a wee little egg in it. He took the egg out and ran home as fast as his little legs could carry him, to eat the egg. But when he got home he heard a bird and it sounded like it was singing "Bring back my wee little egg....bring back my wee little egg!" Every time he thought about eatting the egg he'd hear the bird. So finally he ran back to the nest as fast as his little legs could carry him to put the egg back. And later when he got home he found a lot of food magically appeared in his cubboard. And every time he heard the bird singing after that, it sounded like it was tweeting "You brought back my wee little egg...You brought back my wee little egg."

Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:35 pm

Now I'm feeling nostalgic. Here are a few songs that I can remember my mother singing to me:
Daisy Bell
You Are My Sunshine
My Bonnie

There were a few more, but I can't remember them too well.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:30 pm

I don't remember who it was, but someone always sang or hummed "One Voice" around me. Always makes me tired now.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:15 pm

My mother always sang "Hush Little Baby" to me when I was scared or sad.

Hush little baby, don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird, and if that mockingbird don't sing, mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring...

I sing it sometimes when I am sad. It makes me feel better. I like "You Are My Sunshine" as well.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:14 pm

My dad liked to talk-sing to me when I was wee, since he's tone deaf.

His favorite was "******, go to bed."

It's a very short lullaby.

BTW: The idea that anyone would sing Pink Floyd to their child as a lullaby is both awesome and terrifying. Your dad must be pretty cool.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:31 pm

I never got sung to :cry: oh well, my dad is a terrible singer and my mom just doesn't sing. I made up little songs for myself when I felt sad and such tho...

Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:05 pm

I can't remember my parents ever singing me lullabies. Maybe I listened to cds to go to bed. That's what I do now at least. And it makes me very happy that I got a cd of one of my favorite musicians(if not my very favorite) that's all instrumentals. Because if there are words, I'll be like, "oo, words, must sing along!" Which makes it very hard to fall asleep, even if I'm not actually singing.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:07 pm

A lullaby I absolutely HATED.

Hacerin, haceran
[something, something] de San Juan
Piden queso, piden pan
Los de Miguel
Pan con miel
Los de Roque
Los de Riqui
Los de Triqui

o_o It was really weird, and I forget the words.

Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:58 am

I dont really remember. But my parents used to bounce me to Ziggy Marley to make be go to sleep. :P
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