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Who will win? Vikings v. Ninja v. Samurai

Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:55 pm

Who do you think will win in a match between vikings, ninja or samurai? Discuss.

Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:03 pm

ninjas can clearly own them all since vikings and samurai are groud-based, and ninjas can just fly above them and kill them with shurikens. :D

Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:48 pm

Vikings. Really, I'm inclined to think that the ninjas and samurai would take care of each other and the vikings would just walk away with it.

Besides, the ninjas and samurai could never mount a naval assault.

Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:48 pm

Ninjas: PWN'D By Knights.
Pirates: PWN'D by the Royal navy.
Vikings: Just kinda wandered off.

Ergo, Vikings.

Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:49 pm

Pirates would beat them all. :D

Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:54 pm

Eh, I say we should add Robot Dino Ninja pirates into the mix.
AKA: Dinobot, from Transformers Beast wars.

Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:30 am

Setekh wrote:Eh, I say we should add Robot Dino Ninja pirates into the mix.
AKA: Dinobot, from Transformers Beast wars.

he was a ninja? o.0

it wouldn't hurt to throw the power rangers into this brawl, which would allow them to crush the competition with one mighty step of a megazord

Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:42 am

You all are forgetting about Thor. With his hammer he can squash even the megazords.

But if it were a literal fight, ninjas would win because they have the best agility.

Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:39 am

Vikings Vikings Vikings Vikings Vikings Vikings Vikings Norsemen Vikings Vikings Vikings

Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:38 am

It'd be a complete draw, for a few hundred years until the vikings became pirates. THen the pirates would win.

Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:53 am

Ninjas would totally pwn them. Especially my ninja chipmunks.

... what?

Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:12 am

The ninjas would own them, zam. They would just hide out and kill the others in their sleep. The Viking's may end up getting drunk or become drunken in the first place, though I would say the samurai, if perceptive enough, could become troublesome, zam.

Though, I thought the eternal question was 'Ninja vs. Pirate vs. Robot vs. Zombie', zam. Too bad the zombies never stood a chance. :\

Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:31 am

I'd go with the Vikings, they're essentially what you get when you add battleaxes, battlehammers, fur coats, 100kg of muscle, and finally runic magic to pirates. Considering the eternally undecided contest between ninjas and pirates, Vikings>Pirates, and thus Vikings>Ninjas.

Futhermore, Vikings have a longer range than pirates and unlike pirates can survive in the cold and have mead for blood, mead being thicker than rum. Vikings even travelled to Arabia to bother them.

Furthermore, Ninjas and Samurais can't colonise your country, but Vikings can.

And when it comes down to ultimate skills, say Thor vs Battousai vs Itachi, I think Thor might win considering he's a God.

I mean seriously, Woden is so Manly that he traded his EYE for wisdom. Damn.

matchbow wrote:ninjas can clearly own them all since vikings and samurai are groud-based, and ninjas can just fly above them and kill them with shurikens. :D

You clearly haven't seen Kenshin the Batousai, no ninja can touch dat.

Dragonfire wrote:But if it were a literal fight, ninjas would win because they have the best agility.

Pansy ninja weapons just bounce off Vikings. If they were in a hand to hand fight it would be like trying to strangle a tree. Which a Viking could do I may add.

zorg wrote:It'd be a complete draw, for a few hundred years until the vikings became pirates. THen the pirates would win.

Contrary to popular belief, Vikings never turned into Pirates, they turned into England and Iceland. The ones that still didn't are still getting smurf and fighting somewhere in Norway. It's just that there's too much snow to find them.

Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:22 pm

Actually you did get Viking Pirates.

I'd go cite a case but I can't be bothered to go and get my History textbook. It was something to do with England in Wales in the 1100s though.

Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:07 pm

matchbow wrote:
Setekh wrote:Eh, I say we should add Robot Dino Ninja pirates into the mix.
AKA: Dinobot, from Transformers Beast wars.

he was a ninja? o.0

it wouldn't hurt to throw the power rangers into this brawl, which would allow them to crush the competition with one mighty step of a megazord

Sure he was, remember how he flies down in "Code of the hero" And beats up Waspinator, then shoves him into Rampages gun.
Oh, and he cut Inferno in half.

Not to mention covering himself in mud to avoid detection from the Predacon scanner drone.
... I remember too much of that show considering ive not seen anything but Code of the Hero and Nemesis in years..
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