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This is why you should never answer your cell in class

Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:26 pm

This is why you should never answer your cell in class ... especially when you have a professor like this lol. Crazy. ... -in-class/

Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:44 pm

Haha, good for the Professor. xD The guy deserved it. >_>

Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:57 pm

That reminds me of this one time in Spanish class (I'm turning into Charlotte!) was the writing section of our final, and this one girl's cell phone rang, and she opened it and said, "I'm in Spanish class. Goodbye."

I dunno, you had to be was mildly amusing.

Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:15 am


I dont think the poor college student deserved getting his $500 phone smashed though. It could've been his sick mother or something.

We do have a rule at school, if someone else picks up your phone you're the (phone ownerS) mother. Teachers, for some reason, assume mothers always have something important to say :P

Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:39 am

o_O Wow, that's weird. Only thing is, it didn't smash. There weren't any visible flying pieces, and it didn't make a breaking sound. It just sounded like it hit the carpert hard. More of a thud.

One of my professors, when someone's cell rings, she starts dancing to it. :P

Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:42 am

Dragonfire wrote:One of my professors, when someone's cell rings, she starts dancing to it. :P

Haha, my music professor said someone's ringtone was pretty once. I forget what it was...something not modern but not classical.

Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:50 am

When I was in world history in 10th grade, we were giving presentations on our final projects and my teacher's cell phone started ringing and he answered it. It sounds rude but it was more funny than anything. The person presenting had to start over be he didn't seem too bothered by it. He was an oddly great teacher.

Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:50 am

hehehe. In my old school, my English teacher would actually answer the person's cell phone if it rang. And one of the subs we had said if he heard/saw a cell phone, he would confisticate it and sell it at the end of the school year.

I doubt he did though. Either that, or he was extremely deaf. And blind.

Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:12 am

One of my professor's for my graduate class, who's at all of the readings and presentations, never turns his cell phone off. It's become a running joke through the program, and everyone looks right at him whenever a phone goes off :) We don't know if he just doesn't know how to turn it off or he's getting emergency calls from Norman Mailer.

Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:34 am

My organizational behavior teacher fined us 20 bucks each time someone's phone rang.

Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:53 am

Hehehe. Love it. I'm a huge cell phone freak but I always wanted to throw a shoe at people for leaving their phone on during class (especially during exams). It's really inconsiderate and annoying. :x

Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:07 am

Ha. That reminds me... I totally broke school rules this morning: I forgot my English essay at home, so between classes I called my mom in the bathroom. Luckily, I wasn't caught. :P

Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:09 am

stinkyllama wrote:... I always wanted to throw a shoe at people for leaving their phone on during class (especially during exams). It's really inconsiderate and annoying. :x

*Doesn't mention when his friend's cell went off during a midterm and the music inspired me to do better.*

Yeah. All of my teachers have great policies from smashing the phone to making a long distance call and having the class talk to to his mom. I was so sad that noone's phone rang in that class.

Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:41 am

When i was in school someones phone went off in maths, and my maths teacher took the phone, had a conversation with the person on the other end and then hung up and said "your mum said call her when the lesson is ended"

In uni our lecturer once answered his phone in a lecture had a short conversation and ended it with "but anyway, i'm taking a lecture right now, i'll call you back later"

In my presentation for my dissertation the guy taking the session's phone rang in the middle of my presentation and he answered it and left the room - it was great as it meant he didnt ask me the hard questions he asked everyone else!

Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:57 am

A geography teacher of mine scared the crap out of a student by pretending to smash his cellphone with...a large rock he kept in the back of the classroom XD
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