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What do you do....

Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:37 am

Halloween is coming up, which means its almost time for me to start decorating my house! This year I am going to have buckets of body parts and me in a pig mask giving out candy. I love to decorate my house for Halloween, but I dont like the childish cheesy decorations. Im all into the horror! What do you all do to your front porch for Halloween?

Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:52 am

Well once I had a skeleton tied to this wooden stick in the middle of my yard and the next day when I woke up I looked outside and someone stole my skeleton. :cry: So yea dont make the same mistake I did. Yea also I had a graveyard on the front yard but yea it didnt really look that cool or scary.:P
Last edited by Kidwaiy on Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:53 am

Hehe i don't decorate. Mostly because no one trick or treats around here. So for halloween im going to a party, dressed up as a pirate and my band is preforming. Great fun :D

Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:56 am

benladesh wrote:Hehe i don't decorate. Mostly because no one trick or treats around here. So for halloween im going to a party, dressed up as a pirate and my band is preforming. Great fun :D

Your in a band never knew that. Do you like play an instrument or do you sing?

Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:36 am

I don't decorate, but usually I go out for the free food (just barely young enough to get food). I live in a cul-de-sac and no one ever comes by. People always steal my stuff, and it takes too long for pumpkins, so I don't bother

Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:13 am

Kidwaiy wrote:
benladesh wrote:Hehe i don't decorate. Mostly because no one trick or treats around here. So for halloween im going to a party, dressed up as a pirate and my band is preforming. Great fun :D

Your in a band never knew that. Do you like play an instrument or do you sing?

He sings. Screams, really. :D

siouxper wrote:I live in a cul-de-sac and no one ever comes by.

I live in the last cul-de-sac in a row of cul-de-sacs. Which is why it doesn't matter that I don't go trick-or-treating anymore. By the time I come home from Fright Night at the amusement park, there's still tons of candy left.

As far as decorating, I turn on the front light and put a Jack-'O-Lantern on the steps. Uh, that's about it.

Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:20 am

We used to have this spider that when there was a noise near it (like a clap or a door opening), it would drop on it's string, then climb slowly back up. He was named bob. He was the awesomest mechanical spider ever. But then... bob kinda broke.
Sometimes we'll do jack-o-lanterns, but that's about it. We get about 2 trick-or-treaters maybe, so we don't really go all out decorating (but there's tons of candy left over!)

Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:22 am

My brother and I used to do a ton of decorating for Halloween. My brother has always been obsessed with haunted houses (for whatever reason) so when he was in fourth or fifth grade he and I started setting a small graveyard in our front yard for Halloween, and itt got bigger every year. We eventually moved it to our front woods (which we have a lot of). We made a long meandering pathway, and my brother put up sheets of black plastic on the trees along the path so that when you were walking through it, you couldn't see what was around the corner.

He put up a ton of decorations inside of our "haunted woods" too- lots of gravestones we made ourselves, a rather realistic looking skeleton that he attached to a rope and dropped from the trees when someone passed through, coffins, a hangman, green floodlights and strobe lights- it was pretty creepy. One year, I dressed up as a little dead girl (eye makeup, black dress, matted hair, etc., like the girl in the Ring) and followed trick-or-treaters as they walked through, asking them if they'd seen my daddy. *giggle* I got a few screams.

My brother and I don't do much anymore, though, mostly because we're both so busy with school, and doing a huge setup like that takes ages (we usually started in mid-September and worked on it a little every day until Halloween night.) Now we just put a green floodlight in our front yard and put up some fake spiderwebs and things.

Re: What do you do....

Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:55 am

Tadashi Rein wrote:What do you all do to your front porch for Halloween?

Absolutely nothing.

Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:07 pm

Halloween is <3. We love to decorate. :) This year Nessa is going to help us, since she's here this week. We haven't decided what we're going to do yet, though. We have pictures from last year somewhere. I should dig them up. Last year we each had a pumpkin carved (which makes 6). We also had a cauldron which Tim rigged to blow smoke every so often. We had a giant spiderweb and a very cool purple and black spider on the side porch and multi-colored candles up the walkway. We had an orange lit-up pumpkin sign on the window and a rock that said "GO AWAY" on the steps that laughed maniacally when someone walked by. There was also a lit-up gravestone in the lawn. *ponders* I think that was all, but I feel I'm missing something. lol

This year we'll have more, though. ;)

Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:14 pm

Maybe some pumpkins and that stuff. I don't celebrate Halloween, but I like to put out all the hay and pumpkins and corn and that junk.

Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:28 pm

Normally we don't celebrate halloween at all, but I love the decorations and candy <3

Jasujo wrote:Halloween is <3. We love to decorate. :) This year Nessa is going to help us, since she's here this week. We haven't decided what we're going to do yet, though. We have pictures from last year somewhere. I should dig them up. Last year we each had a pumpkin carved (which makes 6). We also had a cauldron which Tim rigged to blow smoke every so often. We had a giant spiderweb and a very cool purple and black spider on the side porch and multi-colored candles up the walkway. We had an orange lit-up pumpkin sign on the window and a rock that said "GO AWAY" on the steps that laughed maniacally when someone walked by. There was also a lit-up gravestone in the lawn. *ponders* I think that was all, but I feel I'm missing something. lol

This year we'll have more, though. ;)

I can't wait, we're gonna have a ton of fun :D

Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:37 pm

Yesterday we bought a few little pumpkins, which I'm going to paint later this week and set them out. :) We don't really decorate that much - we just put a pumpkin here and there, maybe a strand of lights, but that's about it. I love halloween, though. It's cute to see all of the little kids in their costumes. :P

Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:48 pm

At our old house, our landlady used put some. Like spiderwebs that made sure other people couldn't get to the house itself.
After we moved, we didn't do anything whatsoever and went over to my friend's house.

Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:11 pm

I do absolutely nothing (well apart from hiding under my bed :P ) but a few years ago my sister and her friend went trick-or-treating and my sis went out in a vampire costume that originally belonged to me (but I never wore it for Halloween reasons).
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