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Writing with your opposite hand

Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:04 am

So anyway. At skating tonight I fell backwards and landed pretty hard on my wrist. My right wrist. And I'm right handed. I don't at the moment know how badly it's hurt, if it's just going to be a little sore or if I've done something serious to it. But in any case, I've always wanted to learn to write with my left hand, and now seems like it would probably be a good time.

So- does anyone have any tips for learning to write with your opposite hand?

Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:40 am

Practice, practice, practice. That's about all you can really do.

Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:56 am

Learning how to type would be easier...

Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:25 am

Practice. It definitely does help -- I've been trying to use my left hand for writing things that don't need to be turned in at school/things that need to be done quickly, and I've noticed a huge improvement. It used to be not legible at all, and now other than a few letters (o's and a's mostly) it's almost exactly like the writing I do with my right hand, only slower. Next I'll be working on speed, heh.

Good luck! We shall learn how to be ambidextrous together. ^-^;;

Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:41 am

Yeah, practice always helps. I think I'm going to start trying to use my right hand (I'm a lefty, hah) just in case something happens.

Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:53 am

Try to use your left hand more often, not just when you have to write. It'll help build the muscles and coordination up in that hand so it'll be more like your right one. Besides, if your right hand is seriously hurt, this would be the best way to go anyway.

Writing with it does take a lot of practice and a bit more thought that with your right hand, so don't rush into writing something like an essay in under and hour. Think back to how you learned to write in grade school and try that. They did it slow and carefully back then for a reason. Also, don't be bothered if you develop a writing style with your left hand that's different than the one for your right hand...just think of them as different fonts. :P

Right now, I suggest you switch your mouse from right-handed to left-handed. And I really mean right now. Best time to practice this sort of thing is right away. Mind you, if it does start to hurt or get tired, take a break and maybe see if there's any way you can make it more comfortable.

Tue Oct 31, 2006 3:26 am

Well, I got it looked at today. Good news is it's not broken. Bad news is I've got a test tomorrow that I don't know how I'm going to take.

Thanks for the help everyone.


Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:35 pm

I broke my right arm once. I had to use my left hand for about 8 months. The easiest thing for me to do was write slowly. It made things difficult at first, but it helped me figure out exactly how to hold a pen/pencil in the most comfortable way and how to form my letters "backwards". After a week or so I was able to write faster. I can switch between both hands now, but I still use my right hand more often then not.
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