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Which one do you prefer?

Total votes : 53

Geek or Nerd?

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:21 am

Okay, so in a chatroom I frequently visit we got into a big debate onto whether being called a geek is better than being called a nerd, so I thought I'd do a poll.

So basically, do you like being called a geek, nerd, both, or neither? Note that nerd is widely regarded to be more derogatory than geek.

Personally, I'd rather be called a geek than a nerd, because in my opinion a nerd is someone with buck teeth, pocket protectors, and thick glasses.

Re: Geek or Nerd?

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:59 am

Actually, I think exactly the opposite--a geek is a runny-nosed pocket-protected kid who talks about hacking into the school's computer system.
Nerdy, to me, is using videogames and the Internet, quoting animated television shows, and reading the entire Harry Potter series more than twice.
Unfortunately, that particular type of nerdy is in style here, so a lot of people are embracing these activities without having to pay the price for liking nerdy stuff.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:30 am

I use them interchangably. So both I guess.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:56 am

I was called a nerd for much of my elementary life, even by my friends, and it quite irked me. "Geek" doesn't offend, it doesn't seem to carry the same connotations.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:07 am

pipsqueeek wrote:I use them interchangably. So both I guess.

Exactly so.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:52 am

Eh, around here, I'm probably considered a geek, and I'm proud of it, however, I'm not a nerd.

Geek = Stereotype of people that like: Video Games [people that aren't casual players, and mostly MMORPGS], Anime, Trading Card Games [Magic the Gathering is usually regarded], attend Sci-Fi/comic book/any type of convention, play Dungeons and Dragons, that sort of thing (doesn't have to be all of them, but at least one. Um... eh, those are the most common hobbies I can think of. Geeks are not necessarily smart or dorky, they really are normal people that tend to have hobbies that others seems to frown upon for no apparent reason. Hackers are probably included in this (though, in my opinion, I think of them as nerds, since they're using their 1337 h4x0r skillz to show some sort of power, usually)

Nerd = Stereotype of the smart kids in school who are not necessarily buck-toothed or have pocket-protectors, but usually are the ones that answer every question in class (or try to until the teacher gets tired of them answering), flaunt their intelligence to everyone, and suck up to teachers (and only hang out with people like them). They're the ones that over-achieve everything to make themselves look better in the eyes of older people.

Alternately, I suppose the pocket-protector thing works here too, but I've never actually seen someone like that in my entire school life, so it's really not used that way around here.

So, to answer the poll, I'd rather be called a geek, because, well, considering what we consider them, I am one. We pretty much established a set definition for both during my Jr. Highschool years. Of course, these aren't the same definitions as most outside of my general area. :P

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:09 am

Geek, to me, is a smart person that can be fanatical about things they like (i.e. Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc.). Geeks are fantastic and cool, and you should worship them as gods if you're not one. ;)

Nerds are little brats who flaunt their supposed intelligence and feel that everyone who doesn't know as much as they do is automatically inferior and less intelligent. (no, I don't consider the amount of information one knows to be a testament to their intelligence quotient- anyone can learn (with or without some degree of difficulty)- it's a matter of higher thinking skills, IMO)

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:10 am

Geek and nerd both seem to have pretty bad connotations to me. A geek is someone who is overly obsessed about something, and a nerd is someone too academically knowledgable. I wouldn't really want to be called either, but I suppose it's really in the tone of voice, isn't it? You can make anything sound offensive if you mean it to be offensive, but if you're joking around with friends, being called either a geek or a nerd doesn't sound nearly as bad.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:05 am

Both, to me, carry the general connotation of "smart, but socially inept", which describes me well enough, but "nerd" is generally a harsher way of saying it, and "geek" is better used to append words like "fantasy" and "history".

Anyway, happy next-best-thing-to-the-Julian-New-Year, everyone! (The Julian New Year is March 25, so... yeah, Halloween is the next-best thing.)

Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:45 am

I like both (if fact, both are a compliment to me)

However, many find that geek has a more negative connotation, and nerd sounds more intelligent.

To me, socially inept is... bah. Can't remember the name. But i'll edit this post if I remember.

But I like being called geek and nerd. <3

Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:10 pm

Eh, according to people's definitions in this thread, I'm a nerd, so I pick nerd. :D

Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:15 pm

If i call someone a Geek i'm complimenting them (in a way) and if i call someone a nerd its an insult.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:42 pm

ArwenEarendil wrote:To me, socially inept is... bah. Can't remember the name. But i'll edit this post if I remember.


I've always viewed the two terms in much the same way as Moongewl explained them with the added comment that nerds have a broad general knowledge while geeks are more subject specific. I don't really care if I get called either, neither would bother me and I've always thought that most of the people that use the terms in an attempt to cause offense are just immature. Coming for certain people though either term can be endearing.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:20 pm

Medusa wrote:
ArwenEarendil wrote:To me, socially inept is... bah. Can't remember the name. But i'll edit this post if I remember.


Heh, that's the word I use most. In fact, most of what has been said for "geek" (especially about games and hobbies) I would describe as "dorky". And I don't think being cool and being dorky are mutually exclusive.
But I think with "nerd", there really is no cool factor. The best example I could think of is Steve Urkel.

Speaking of Dungeons & Dragons, if you need a description of a stereotypical geek/dork, listen to Stephen Lynch's song called "D&D". It's rather funny :)

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:25 pm

When people call me a geek, I thank them.
When people call me a nerd, I tell them that I'm a geek and they should watch out for the nerds.

To me, nerds are stuck-up brats who think they are better than everyone else and don't have many if any friends, and so spend more time on school stuff.

Geeks are smart people who don't flaunt it and have friends, but are still open to sci-fi things and games.

I don't mind being called a computer nerd though.
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