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Teacher and Pupil Jokes

Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:20 am

Teacher: What are you writing?
Pupil: A letter to myself.
Teacher: Interesting. What does it say?
Pupil: Don't know. Won't get it till tomorrow.

Teacher: Where was Queen Elizabeth crowned?
Pupil: On her head. Duh!

Teacher: What do we call the outermost layer of a tree?
Pupil: Don't know.
Teacher: Bark, silly!
Pupil: Woof woof!

Teacher: Whatever I ask you, I want you to answer at once! Now, how much is 6+4?
Pupil: At once!

Any more? :D

Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:31 pm

Teacher: How many letters are there in the alphabet?
Pupil: 11
Teacher: How did you work that out?
Pupil: T-h-e-a-l-p-h-a-b-e-t

Teacher: Who was the first person on Earth?
Pupil: I don't know give us a clue
Teacher: Think of an apple
Pupil: Granny Smith, miss

Teacher: Name a bird that doesn't build its own nest.
Pupil: Cuckoo.
Teacher: How do you now that?
Pupil: Everyone knows that the cuckoo lives in clocks.

Teacher: Who discovered Pluto?
Pupil: Walt Disney

Teacher: Why did Robin Hood steal from the rich?
Pupil: because the poor didn't have anything worth stealing.

Teacher: I said to draw a cow eating some grass but you've only drawn the cow ?
Pupil: Yes, the cow ate all the grass !
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