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Fate, you are a fickle mistress...

Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:14 pm

Well, I decided to go against my instincts a number of times today. I almost didn't bring my Science book, I didn't put my drama homework into my planner, I didn't give in my Citizenship book, I didn't sit in my usual place in Science and I didn't put my bag in the bagstall in Science.

I had all of those chances! But no. I went against them. What happened?

The floor where I put my bag must have been wet...

My drama homework has now totally disintegrated, my Citizenship book is crumbling at the spine, my other books have red tidemarks over them as the bright red colour of my other Science book ran and the top inside of my bag is now covered in little crumbles of blue exercise book stuff.

I vow that I will never go against my instincts ever again. They are always right.

Anybody have any 'I-Kicked-Out-At-Fate-For-It-To-Kick-Back-Alot-Harder' stories to cheer me up with? :(

Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:51 pm

Not necessarily Fate-oriented, but I just found out that the church I have had reserved for my wedding for the past 6 months decided that it's going to start tearing it's roof out in June rather than July. I'm getting married in June. So now I have to find a whole new location for the wedding and that was my last resort, as it was. So, take heart in knowing you're not the only one having a crappy day :)

Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:19 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:Not necessarily Fate-oriented, but I just found out that the church I have had reserved for my wedding for the past 6 months decided that it's going to start tearing it's roof out in June rather than July. I'm getting married in June. So now I have to find a whole new location for the wedding and that was my last resort, as it was. So, take heart in knowing you're not the only one having a crappy day :)

That sounds like friends! Put up pretty fairy lights and have the wedding there anyway!

Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:33 am

Talk to your preist or vicar - I'm sure they can pull some strings with other local churches. Don't worry, you'll get somewhere. :)
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