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Anyone ever bleach their hair white?

Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:20 pm

I bought a bleach kit that promised white, but I really want to do this right. I dont want light blonde, pale yellow, or anything like that. I especially dont want melted hair, hair thats breaking off, or chemical burns o_o Most of the advice Ive read online only has bleaching instructions for bleaching before coloring, not bleaching to go white, and I'd feel a lot better if someone around here had experience, pictures, websites, or product advice to help things along.

A few questions Ive got are:
1. Im using Raw White-Out bleach with toner. Anyone have any reviews of the stuff?
2. Because I have the purple tinted toner, am I going to be more successful in getting white instead of a brassy yellow?
3. Are there any good products I can use after the bleaching is done so that my hair stays healthy?
4. Is the toner a permanent solution, or should I buy a certain product to keep the yellow away for good?
5. My current hair color is brown, and my natural is blonde:
Does the original color matter at all, or will the bleach be dependent on my dyed color? I ask because the box instructions only mention natural hair colors when giving time estimates, and dyed hair isnt mentioned (except that you shouldnt use the bleach on hair dyed with metallic dyes or henna.)

Thats all :) Help me out.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:42 pm

:lol: :roflol: Oh dear Lord, the irony of it all! I'm going white blonde myself at the moment but it's best to do it gradually. Hence my hair being currently the colour of cat wee as of two days ago! :P

I put a 30 vol. peroxide on my (already light blonde) hair for 30 minutes and it's yellow in places and white in others. My scalp didn't burn and I've had no breakages at all. However, there are small chunks of light brown which I accidently missed. Today, I'm rebleaching the yellow and brown bits again and then sticking a purple toner on over the top.

If you want to PM me for me AIM or MSN addresses, I can let you know how it goes when it's done. :)

Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:16 pm

You're probably going to have to bleach it more than once.

There is absolutely no point on using toner on hair that you haven't already lifted to platinum blonde- toner won't lighten it, it just nutralises the brassy tones.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:14 pm

I wish you the best of luck. I bleached my hair once and well it changed all sorts of colors. It didn't bother me but it was interesting to say the least. I bleached it so that I could die it blue and get a more vibrant blue. The blue was a wash though I had to go with some temp stuff.

I'd go with what twinkle says and go for it gradually. I'm sure it'll take a couple of applications to get the desired color you're looking for.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:47 pm

Well, I rebleached my hair and it was as light as it could go but still yellowy. However, 10 minutes into the toner application, I think my yellow is here to stay. :( It seems like the toner isn't doing anything at the moment! It wasn't purple like I originally thought but just a cream based brown type mixture. I really hope that it works now!

EDIT: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It's yellow and bright white! The toner was rubbish, it didn't work at all. If I can't get my hair sorted tonight, I swear I dying it all pink!!

Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:06 pm

Pinks cool. ;) I had a friend do that to her hair and I really liked it. I only got to see photos and what was left of it a couple of months later since I wasn't around at the time.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:40 pm

My boyfriend bleaches his hair white occasionally... but he's got very short blonde hair naturally, so I think he has it easy. He just chucks the bleach on and leaves it in for ages - a lot longer than it says on the packet (indeed, I panicked a bit last time and told him to wash it out, and his hair ended up being yellowy, and he wasn't too happy!).

I'd say yes, natural hair colour does matter! I have black hair, and reeeally wanted to try some white tips or streaks. I asked a hair dresser to do it for me, but the lightest she managed was a yellow. She said she didn't want to risk leaving it in any longer. I guess I probably could have tried doing it again myself, though.

Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:03 pm

Get a professional to do it, they're less likely to screw up :P

Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:47 pm

Christopher wrote:Get a professional to do it, they're less likely to screw up :P

And if they do they have to fix it for you!

Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:57 pm

Rachel wrote:
Christopher wrote:Get a professional to do it, they're less likely to screw up :P

And if they do they have to fix it for you!

Exactly. They have to buy you a nice wig.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:13 am

Thanks for the replies. I cant find any professionals that want to do it without charging ridiculous prices! They all tell me that they can go light blonde, but they dont seem to want to tackle white since it is so easy to screw up. I had the same problems with the salons around here years ago. They refused to do black :/

Twinkle, sorry your hair turned out that way, thats horrible. Pink is really nice though :) I know if all else fails, I'll probably run out and get blue or something. If you do get it sorted out, Id love to hear how it goes. I need some positive hair stories. The toner in the kit seems promising, at least. It was a nice looking purple color, not too blue or brown.

The whole kit is a two step thing. First, it bleaches the hair alone. My hair is really short, so Im not too worried about running out, or having massive differences in color from roots to ends. I think with all everyones been saying, that I'll be sure my hair has been bleached very light before thinking about any toner. It may take a few bleachings, but its better than icky hair.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:06 am

Cerise wrote:It may take a few bleachings, but its better than icky hair.

Ackpfft! Bleaching your hair more than once is really bad for it. Well, bleaching it even once can just kill your hair quality. I bleached my hair for the first time around Thanksgiving, and after using moisturizing shampoo and conditioner a ton, it's still fried. My boyfriend's hair(which is about two inches long) handled one bleaching fine, but the second one made it so stiff it stood straight out. Be careful with the bleaching, kay?
I've had a lot of luck with Special Effects brand, which makes exotic-colored hair dyes. Although I've never used their toner, I love the brand and the dyes I've used(on myself and on friends) have made our hair happy. Try Amphigory, if you can't find it reasonably priced in stores.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:37 am

Bleaching your hair in general is really bad. Take it from someone who knows - I've bleached about 7 times, and dyed it about 17 times...
My most recent dye I tried to get it real frosty-ish white but only on 2 parts of my hair, leaving the middle my normal color - sort of like a faux-hawk only with color instead of cut...
Anyway, I don't remember how much of what i mixed, but to get white you'll probably have to keep re bleaching. Or get it done by a professional.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:39 pm

By 'icky' I meant icky colored. Im completely aware of what bleaching can do, and already decided to take the chance. My hair grows ridiculously fast anyway, and Im not against hacking it all off if it turns out badly.

Ive heard good things about Special Effects, I just couldnt find it anywhere but online. Still scourging the stores for it though. :)

By the way, if anyone knows of good conditioners, shampoos, and stuff for after its bleached, tell mee. I dont think my generic convenience store shampoo will do much to help out.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:30 pm

Get something with placenta in. works well.
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