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Crazy high school stories

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:32 pm

Hey most of you guys go or have been to high school. Care to share some crazy stories?

One of the high schools I went to was this huge on that was on a very busy main road, and the year 12s of that year all one day brought traffic cones to school, and set up a detour on the main road so all the traffic would have to go through the school.

Needless to say, lots of traffic jams and surprise and shock ... and then the police lol.

Oh! And they brought a cow up to school and up the flight of stairs, so a crane had to be brought in to get it out because cows can't go down stairs.

I've heard the best one is to bring in three pigs, number them 1, 2 and 4... and then set them free and have the school look for number 3.

Re: Crazy high school stories

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:34 pm

Kym wrote:Oh! And they brought a cow up to school and up the flight of stairs, so a crane had to be brought in to get it out because cows can't go down stairs.

:roflol: that's the hell did they get a cow there? without anybody seeing?

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:53 pm

Well, there is the legend of Poo Man.

One day my friend Ant goes into the boys' toilets. He discovers poo smeared all over the toilets and the walls and the door. He runs out again. He meets my friend Matt and says 'Matt, go look in the toilets, someone's written a swear word on the wall!'. Of course Matt is like 'this I gotta see!' and 10 seconds later runs out screaming.

Soon afterwards the toilet is blocked off while being cleaned.

It's just the fact that someone smeared crap all over the toilets and we NEVER FOUND OUT WHO IT WAS. We had an assembly about it and everything, but nobody saw a single guilty face, or a boy subtly trying to sniff his hands or something...

The Poo Man is a school legend now. I can't believe we never found out who he was. He could be anyone....He could be a girl....they could well still be at school... :O

We got all the school windows replaced a couple of years back because my mate Jim jumped out of one just for the crack (he was fine). My dad was the first teacher to notice, because he was idly staring out of the window while the headmaster talked and saw Jim leap down to the ground from the geography room. "Mr Hobson, I hate to interrupt you, but Robert Weir appears to have just jumped out of the Geography room window".

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:57 pm

At my highschool the senior students would tell the freshmen this story:

All the girls used to put on their lipstick and kiss the mirrors to get the excess off. They did this every day, and every day the janitor got more and more angry when he had to wash the lipstick off the mirrors. He put up notes and warning but the girls just tore them down. One day the janitor was so fed up that he washed the mirror with dirty toilet water and he still does it to this day.

I thought it was reallllllly stupid as far as scary stories go lol.

OOOH IGG! You reminded me. This is an elementry school story but I am telling it anyways:

When I was in grade 6 (so like 11 years old for those we different school systems) a boy smeared poo ALL OVER the boys washroom. Just like in your story! Our class got yelled at (because we were the closest to the bathroom), and we had a big assembly but they never punished anyone.

I also have some other high school pranks/stories:
- When I was in grade 12, 6 boys streaked across the school roof during our end of the year outdoor assembly. Then all you see is our crazy VP running across the roof trying to find them. (they escaped but were later caught)
- We have these bleachers around our football field that are painted blue and white (school colours) with "Blue Bombers" written across them. Kids changed them a bunch over the years I went to school there, to things like "Beer Bombers" and some really innapropriate ones directed at our crazy VP. The school just kept painting them back though.
- When I was in grade 11 the grade 12s barricaded off the teachers' parking lot and all parked in there. They put up a big sign saying, "There is parking around back." And they also barricaded all the doors with stacks of hay so people couldn't get in to the school.
- On rememberance day every student in my school put on a giant coloured cardboard hat and stood in the field. They resembled a giant poppy and got an arial photograph of it.
Last edited by .neko. on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:02 pm

jellyoflight wrote:
Kym wrote:Oh! And they brought a cow up to school and up the flight of stairs, so a crane had to be brought in to get it out because cows can't go down stairs.

:roflol: that's the hell did they get a cow there? without anybody seeing?

:roflol: Most likely with something covering the cow whilst a certian amount of the year 12s supported the weight of the cow whilst carrying it.

I can just imagine something like this below occuring in that school.

*Teacher stops them after hearing a moo coming from underneath the cover*

Teacher: Where is that mooing coming from?

A Year 12 student: A tape recording.

Teacher: Of course.

Teacher: What underneath that cover?

A Year 12 student: My art work project but it is very heavy.

Teacher: Let me see it.

A Year 12 student: I will show you it later as I want to show everyone my art work first.

*Teacher allows them to leave*

Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:11 pm

the mysterious poo man stopped by my old high school a couple times too :P
they ended up just closing the boys bathroom during classes. the girl's was still open of course :D *giggles madly*

Oh and then there was the time when my friend Brandon ran of my friend Ry's head with his truck...
Don't worry, ry was fine.
lol the doctors were shocked.

oh lol and then my friend Brendon streaked through school on the last day...
hehehe a bunch of people got it on video, actually. My math teacher helped him escape, he was never caught.
Last edited by Sigh on Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Crazy high school stories

Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:12 pm

Kym wrote:Oh! And they brought a cow up to school and up the flight of stairs, so a crane had to be brought in to get it out because cows can't go down stairs.

That was supposed to be a senior prank at my high school for a couple of years, but it never happened... Of course, there's a small ranch next to my school with several cows so it still could happen.

Apparently some really stupid things were done in the school about 20-30 years ago. One was where this senior drove through the school's main building on his motorcycle. He told a lot of people about it, so they were expecting it to happen. However, he decided to do it completely naked, but when he drove through the building a bunch of kids (accidentally) crowded around him so he couldn't move. The principal saw what happened and came over to talk to him. The worst part is that his dad was the prinicipal. :roflol:
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