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Need gift idea help! asap

Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:58 am

Hi, I need to buy a gift for my friend for his brithday tomorrow. He is 18, he loves Japanese type stuff, but not the cartoony type things. I don't think he needs or wants any computer games either. It's a tough call, but I'm not Asian, but maybe someone with experience in buying Asian gifts can suggest an idea. I'll take any help I can get! Thank you so much in advance. :)

Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:06 am

*Recalls what he desired for his 18th*
Actually, that's a lie, I wanted to be free at 18, and I don't think that can just be given in a conventional sense.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:07 am

You could always buy him Pocky, at least as a side gift. Everyone loves pocky.

Setekh wrote:*Recalls what he desired for his 18th*
Actually, that's a lie, I wanted to be free at 18, and I don't think that can just be given in a conventional sense.

Call up the US army, they're good at distributing freedom.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:09 am

Christopher wrote:You could always buy him Pocky, at least as a side gift. Everyone loves pocky.

Setekh wrote:*Recalls what he desired for his 18th*
Actually, that's a lie, I wanted to be free at 18, and I don't think that can just be given in a conventional sense.

Call up the US army, they're good at distributing freedom.

You joke, but the army has been a serious consideration.
Alas, the Psych evaluation would probably do me in.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:32 am

1. Where do I find Pocky?
2. I'm in Canada
3. Any other ideas? I could spend at least $20

Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:00 am

Well, a book on Japanese history or culture would be a nice idea. Or maybe a Japanese cookbook, if he's the culinary type. I think it'd be pretty fun to learn to make sushi. :)

I have no idea what Canadian grocery stores would carry pocky, but if you've got an Asian market nearby they probably stock it.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:44 am

Setekh wrote:
Christopher wrote:You could always buy him Pocky, at least as a side gift. Everyone loves pocky.

Setekh wrote:*Recalls what he desired for his 18th*
Actually, that's a lie, I wanted to be free at 18, and I don't think that can just be given in a conventional sense.

Call up the US army, they're good at distributing freedom.

You joke, but the army has been a serious consideration.
Alas, the Psych evaluation would probably do me in.

Then join NASA before they change the test :P

elbac wrote:1. Where do I find Pocky?
2. I'm in Canada
3. Any other ideas? I could spend at least $20

In the Asian section of supermarkets, Asain Supermarkets, or apparently Walmart.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:59 am

Christopher wrote:
Then join NASA before they change the test :P

Zoom Zoom Zoom

Classic Christopher!

Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:04 am

I second Pudding of Evil. The cookbook idea is a very good one. I also suggest a book of Ukio-e prints or something along those lines. Those are way better than 'cartoony-stuff'.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:16 am

If he likes arty things, an origami book and some nice paper would be cute!

I guess you might want something a bit more special for an 18th though o_O "Special" birthdays are so hard.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:03 pm

i've seen Pocky here in Canada befor in Walmart.Its very good!
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