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Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:16 am
Out of curiosity, is anyone here anti-social? Sometimes I can't be arsed going to parties cause I just ... can't be bothered, but the weird thing is, once I get there, I usually have a great time seeing all my friends and making new ones.
Like this week, I was invited to four parties but I only went to two ... ok I'm reading what I write and it sounds weird to me ... but the point is ... sometimes I would rather sit at home with a good book hugging my dog.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:26 am
Kym! I thought we told you not to make up stories about your imaginary friends anymore!
Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:33 am
I'm not anti-social at all; I get quite nervous when meeting new people but I love to talk (Biggest problem of my life) and I love going out places.
And I know what you mean about turning down parties, I was going to go to a club the other day but chose not to so I could work on an essay due in two weeks (I usually don't care, but I need a good mark in the course) and because my brother was going to be at the same club. It'd be really weird if I ran into him there.
But all in all, I'm very social and I love meeting new people.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:43 am
It's hard to say whether or not I'm "anti-social", because I don't get invited anywhere anyway. I only hang out with one person offline (except in school or other facilitated settings). I'm having a hard time figuring out what exactly would constitute anti-social as the term is being used in this topic.
Most of the time, it just depends. Sometimes I have fun hanging around people, sometimes I don't. It depends where we are, what we're doing, who I'm with, how many people are there, et cetera, et cetera, blah blah blah.
Sometimes I'm kind of scared of people, and don't feel like being around them, so I suppose that would mean I'm sometimes anti-social (if that is what the word means...I think it means something different from what most people think). But I probably wouldn't decline if someone invited me to a party or something...just cause I never get invited to stuff...
Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:30 am
Take a wild guess.
Not so much anti social as Agoraphobic mind you.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:52 am
I'm afraid people will get mad at me if I talk. So I usually don't.
On the podcast last night, people kept asking, "Hey, is Austin still here?"
But I did do well in Jeopardy!
Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:55 am
Yes.. I don't like people..
Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:59 am
Anti social except on the internet and among friends. Friends sort of happen after a lengthy period of close proximity, I don't go to parties or make them.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:03 am
I adore people, but sometimes have social anxiety. I'm not too into going to huge parties with loads of people I don't know. Just makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I still like to meet new people and make new friends, but I usually have a better time being with just one or a few close friends, or even being by myself.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:03 am
I'm not so much anti-social, I'm just far oto lazy to go out alot of the time.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:10 am
I'm the opposite, actually...
And proud of it
Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:12 am
I guess I'm anti-social at times. I have been more anti-social in the past few years, but that's mainly because of the environment I'm in. I work about 45 minutes away from where I live, and all of my friends from work live in different areas, so it's hard for us to get together. And I'm somewhat afraid to just go out by myself to places. I have issues with random people I don't know talking to me when I'm out somewhere. Maybe when I move, things will get a little bit better.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:23 am
Yes, I am extremely anti-social IRL. Not only is it really hard for me to make friends/meet new people, I'm also not much of a talker. The exception is online or with really good friends (I've only had maybe 2 or 3 of those). I also find it a little annoying when people start randomly talking to me during lunch or whatever.
Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:45 am
I don't really consider myself as anti-social... I'm just really quiet and have a hard time trusting people in real life enough to invite them over to my house or do things after school or on weekends. And school dances... I always wait for someone to ask me to them, but no offers have been made yet, and all of the friends that I would go with either have a date or are not going.
I think the main problem is that I unconsciously tend to make my self "invisible" and go unnoticed by most of the people I would usually interact with. =/ I also have an extremely hard time revealing my feelings about things to people I don't know, and if they don't do things at the right pace for me, then I'll panic and try to stay away from them.
But. I do very well in social situations (in most instances I prefer them), such as in school and in things that I can actually enjoy... and I do love getting to know new people and stuff. I just can't seem to get myself to get to know them. =/
Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:37 am
I'm not so much antisocial as asocial. Being around people is okay, but I can take it or leave it. Mostly I'm just quiet in groups.
I doubt any of us are overly antisocial in the psychological sense of the word, though. (Was it Jeffrey Dahmer who was diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder?)
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