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Cat takes Bus

Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:22 pm

Here's the story.

That is too funny. And he has regular stops!

Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:26 pm

That's my bus!!!!

EDIT: Man, I'm in shock. I didn't expect to see that on PPT, haha!

I've never seen the cat though. I might have to keep my eye open for it next time I catch it. ;)

Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:29 pm

Twinkle wrote:That's my bus!!!!

Seriously? That'd be awesome. You should adopt that cat.

Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:31 pm

Seriously, haha! I doubt my cat would be too pleased if I dragged a random bus catching cat home with me though. o_O

Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:23 pm

Hah you gotta take a pic of you and the cat ;) That'd be awesome!

Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:20 pm

What a beautiful cat! It's white with one green eye and one blue eye. I'm not much of a cat person, but I wouldn't mind adopting it. :)

Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:49 pm

Aww, it is rather adorable, as is the story. I think I'm going to lure it into a sack. I shall call it Snuffles, for Macavity will give the game away too early, and together, we shall rule the world. Everyone knows cats have ulterior motives for looking so adorable and cute.

Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:34 pm

And when the loss has been disclosed, the Secret Service say:
must have been Macavity!' - but he's a mile away.
You'll be sure to find him resting, or a-licking of his thumbs,
Or engaged in doing complicated long-division sums.

Now we know how he gets away from the scene of the crime so fast.

Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:49 pm


How cute. What a smart kitty. XD

Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:03 am

...XD That is insane. Smart cat, though -- I don't think my cats would do that. Of course, we do give them occasional rides around town in our car, so I assume that (other than a load of people they do not know) it would be pretty much the same principle... Other than the fact they don't get out until we get back home!

It's such a pretty cat, too! Nik, if you ever see it, see if you can snap a picture of you and the cat together. :P

Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:58 am

Moongewl wrote:And when the loss has been disclosed, the Secret Service say:
must have been Macavity!' - but he's a mile away.
You'll be sure to find him resting, or a-licking of his thumbs,
Or engaged in doing complicated long-division sums.

Now we know how he gets away from the scene of the crime so fast.

I wouldn't be so sure Macavity could get away that fast if he was escaping on English public transport.

Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:30 am

He keeps a Get-on, Get-off schedule? That's amazing.

Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:40 am

Wow, what an awesome cat! That's so cool.

Make sure to get a photo, Twinkle!

Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:58 am

This is sad because now, a cat is officially more competent in bus-taking than me. :P

Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:08 am

I'm with you, WIS, I remember when I fell asleep on the bus..
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