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What classes...

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:06 am

...are you taking next year?

I'm taking:
Honors English 3,
World History (ew!),
AP Calc AB,
Spanish 1,
PC Tech,
Word Study, and
Environmental Science.

One of my friends, another sophomore, is currently in AP Calc AB, and is doing BC next year. She probably won't even have a math class her senior year...

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:35 am

US History Since 1865
American Literature
Acting Techniques
Developmental Psychology

I had an insanely hard time picking classes for fall. I didn't even want to be in American Literature or Developmental Psychology. I don't like American writers. But that was what they offered in a time slot I could handle for my humanities credit. My school has this insane fear of holding classes at noon. And I wanted Abnormal Psychology, but the only class they had for that was two hours long and started in October.
Only one more year of slacker college, and then I have nothing left to take there and will have to stagger off to the big leagues to pretend I know what I want to major in.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:39 am

E & M I, Optics, Q-lab II and III, and Senior Project are the only required ones for my major. I think I need my Technology requirement, and I'll take the GWR written exam next time it is offered. Other than those, everything else is filler classes and GRE prep :D

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:51 am

I'm graduating this semester.
No more classes for me!

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:52 am

Ah, junior year. Time really flies.

AP Language and Composition
AP United States Government
Algebra II/Trigonometry
Spanish (either IV or V)
Graphic Design
Beginner's Mixed Chorus

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:53 am

Honors Oral Comm.
Honors Written Comm.
Honors Biology
Honors Algebra I
Spanish I
Civics/Social Issues
Freshman Girls' PE/Health

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:56 am

English 10
Socials 10
French 10
Math 10
Science 10
P.E. 10
Planning 10

I don't have much freedom over my courses. =\ During Grade 10, I only get 1 elective. (Yearbook) Everything else is mandatory.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:02 am

As of right now:

AP US history
Western Heritage (english)
Physics with calculus
Chem 2
AP French
Gym (two of them)

although (assuming I pass my permit test) I'm going to try to get into driver's ed instead of one of the gyms, and will probably switch ap french for latin 1 because I really can't deal with my french teacher for another semester.

No math since I've run out of stuff to take at my school. Actually, I ran out of stuff last year, but my mom got them to offer calc 2 :P The college has a new rule(since last year) that only the seniors can take classes there, so I'm stuck for this year. Hopefully chem 2 and physics w/ calc will be mathy enough to sustain me :P

Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:20 am

Experimental Psychology
Experimental Psychology Part 2
Introduction to Statistics
"Where Do I Belong?" (A pop culture course basically)
French 1510
Critical Thinking

And I can't remember, but I think that's the gist of it.

WIS wrote:Yearbook

I don't have much freedom over my courses. =\ During Grade 10, I only get 1 elective. (Yearbook) Everything else is mandatory.

Ew, Yearbook sucked for me; I hated my teacher, it's like she refused to admit she wasn't 19 anymore.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:53 am

Interpretive Reading
Introduction to Theater
Interpersonal Communication
Math for the Liberal Arts

Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:10 am

None! :)

Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:22 am

Biology 3/4
Chemisty 1/2
English Language 1/2
German 1/2
Math Methods 3/4

I've actually forgotten my last two subjects... or one. I'd like to do five subjects, but may not be allowed.


Either Accounting or Legal Studies or Business Management (all 1/2).

I'll be in year 11, for those fellow Australians.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:22 pm

Going for my MFA, that's about it.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:01 pm

Paul wrote:None! :)

Ditto! ^^ Ah, the joys of being an adult...

But we still have the choice of doing courses...and I MIGHT do a creative writing one or photography or something...but I'm not sure yet.

Definitely something on the artsy side anyway.

Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:06 pm

Ammer wrote:Critical Thinking

eeeeeek! >.<

heh, I'm doing exactly the same things that I've been doing this year :D The only thing I'd be able to drop would be critical thinking...but no! must...resist...temptation...AS Level...will look goood...

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