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The Official PPT Recipe Book

Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:14 pm

*in a grandma voice* back in the day we used to have a thread that was dedicated to cooking/baking help, recipes and anything having to do with the culinary arts. It was by far my favorite thread.

Now I'm going to culinary school and I've been collecting recipes into a notebook. I just would it would be fun to share recipes again and give help to those with baking questions.

Any type of food welcome. Just make sure you give the full recipe so people can cook your dish correctly and enjoy.

also I know different countries have different conversions for measurement so here's a link to a google search to help you find a site that will convert what you need properly. (if anyone else had sites please share. also recipe sites are welcome too!)

Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:55 pm

Lol food.

I dedicate this recipe to my vegan friends of PPT. xD

Vegan Pizza

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

3 cups flour (I use a mix of stoneground wheat flour and regular)
1 cup warm water
A few sprinkles of fast rising yeast (I dont measure.. just a little bit)
Dried herbs (optional)
2 TB e.v. olive oil
Salt (optional)

Combine all the ingredients except water and yeast. Mix them up in a small bowl til yeast disolves, then pour it in and mix. Set it on top of the warm oven (not in) with a towel over it until it doubles. Add extra water and flour as needed, note wheat flour seems to absorb more water than regular.

1/2 Onion
Sauteeing oil
1/2 green pepper
1 can chickpeas
Pizza sauce
(Melting) Vegan (or regular if you aren't vegan and want to try this neways) cheese (I use Follow Your Heart Mozzarella)

Chop up half an onion, as much garlic as you can take and about half a green pepper. Saute them in olive oil until done then set on low and add the chickpeas.

Once dough is risen, oil up a pizza pan and stick it in the oven until the dough starts to turn golden brown. Take it out again and turn off the oven. Turn on the broiler. Add your sauce and cheese and wait until it melts. Once thats done, add the toppings in the pan. Now you have the best pizza ever.

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:39 pm

If anyone wants to know how to cook 2 minute noodles, let me know. I'll hook you up. I can cook them in 75 different ways.

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:01 am

Kymothy wrote:If anyone wants to know how to cook 2 minute noodles, let me know. I'll hook you up. I can cook them in 75 different ways.

kym have you seen or tried one of those instant pasta cooker-thingies? they're really awesome. I want one! I love pasta, but I just dont seem to make it enough. Maybe I'll make the boyfriend and I some for dinner after work...

basically I get some alfrado sause, noodles of a random shape I like and some of that microwave chicken and dice it up. Its simple and pretty quick, but we both love it.

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:21 am

How to boil water:

- Fill jug with water
- Plug jug in
- Turn on switch
- Steal underwear
- ???
- Profit
- Unplug jug once water has boiled
- Pour

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:59 am

Your jugs have plugs? Where?

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:34 am

Electric jugs. Near the back.

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:57 am

I love my electric kettle.

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:13 am

Moongewl wrote:Your jugs have plugs? Where?

Out of context that's blimmin hilarious.

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:01 pm

Christopher wrote:
Moongewl wrote:Your jugs have plugs? Where?

Out of context that's blimmin hilarious.

I second that. xD

Re: The Official PPT Recipe Book

Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:05 pm

Nessa wrote:I love my electric kettle.

oi! Ness, I have a kettle that looks like a ladybug. it even has antena. Its adorible.

I also love electric carvers. Outside of thanksgiving time they make a great took for carving details into cakes.
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