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Konnichiwa Y'all!

Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:33 pm

In appx 12 hr, I will be on a plane headed to Japan. I will be spending two weeks over there traveling the country and seeing the sites. I have a small stop over in Korea on the way back as well.

What else to tell... I'll be traveling alone, but one of my dad's friends is letting me use her place as a central base to leave my stuff at between cities. My definite stops are: Kyoto, Hiroshima, Sendai and Nara, with side trips to Fukuoka, Miyajima, Ise, and the rest of the Miyagi area too. Other cities are only maybes right now, but who knows where I'll stop between places. In Korea, I'll mostly just be in Seoul visiting a friend, but I will have at least one day of site seeing while there.

I hope it is really fun. My stomach has been in knots about the trip for weeks now. It is currently doing flips and inverting itself as we speak. I will honestly miss everyone here, but I will do my best to bring back photos to share.
Last edited by Skynetmain on Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:41 pm

Have fun in Japan! You'll have fun, don't worry, and be sure to keep all your belongings safe! :D We'll miss you!

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:33 pm

Japan is right near the top of my "places to go" list, along with Spain and England. Needless to say, I envy you quite a bit.
楽しんで! (have fun!)

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:40 pm

Lucky...have fun! Japan is on my list of places to see, too.

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:14 pm

An otaku's dream. XP Have fun and buy lots of Rei merchandise!


Stephen bids you farewell. He tributes this dance to you.

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:07 pm

So jealous right now. My friend Pam had to move there because her husband was stationed there. Haha, maybe you'll run into her.

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:55 pm

Remember to go to Akihabara on a Sunday to buy yon anime figurines and Klingon Battle axes while listening to street bands, hunt down the Mandarake superstore, find and stalk some cosplayers, and plant something in the grass that grows on the tops of Japanese buildings.

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:18 am

Have a great time Sky! Take lots of pictures so you can share them with us when you get back! Seoul is a lot of should check out the Korean War Memorial if you can - it's really interesting!

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:42 am

Thanks for the support. Just counting down the minutes and trying not to die of anticipation.

Thanks for the last minute suggestions too. I will definitely try to hit the Korean War Memorial.

Well, sayonara for real this time. Next time you see me will either be my return or a quick post from overseas.

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:59 pm

Have a good trip, Sky. :D

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:44 pm

Yay, he's go-

I mean, have a good trip. :P

Re: Sayonara Y'all!

Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:21 pm

Hope you're having fun, Sky! :)

Konnichiwa Y'all!

Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:29 pm

Hello! Konnichiwa! Annyeong hasimnikka!

I just got back from my trip to Japan and Korea about 24 hr ago. I spent most of that 24 hr sleeping.

Boy, do I have stories to share. I kept a small log of the places and things I have seen via sending them to myself as part of my mailing list for this trip. I will have a document written up for the Pink Ink by the next issue to share with everyone too.

Basic overview of the trip:
Cities: Yokkaichi, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Miyajima, Sendai, Matsushima, a little bit of Tokyo (just Akihabara), and Seoul
Sites: Most of the major shrines in Kyoto, most of Miyajima, parts Seoul, the Peace Park in Hiroshima, a bit of Sendai, and some shrines in Matsushima; a few museums (Kyoto National, the ones in Peace park, and a couple in Seoul); a ryokan in Matsushima; many palaces in Seoul
Money Spent: about US$1200 (including hotels, but not food). I spent less than US$10 a day on dinner in Japan, but I was spending at least that much or more on drinks since it was so dang hot and humid!
Pics Took: Over 300! It will take me a few days to sift through and upload the ones I want to share so watch the Picture Thread.
Favorite thing I saw? Well... I rather not talk about it, but she knows who she is and I told her so.
Biggest upset? I forgot to bring my camera with me on my first day in Seoul so I don't have any pictures for a lot of the places I loved seeing. I estimate I am 50-75 pics less than I should be because of that SNAFU.
Plans for next time: More Tokyo, a baseball game, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, more of Korea, the rest of the sites in the places I saw already!

Well, feel free to ask away about the trip. I can give more detailed stories via PM, but I am more than willing to answer almost any question.

PS: I missed all of you here.

Re: Konnichiwa Y'all!

Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:34 pm

Welcome back!

I wanna know if you bought any Anime merchandise xD

Re: Konnichiwa Y'all!

Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:33 pm

Kitten Medli wrote:I wanna know if you bought any Anime merchandise xD

A little manga that I have been hunting in the states (it is in Japanese, but that was what I was hunting for originally)
A couple Pokemon figures (Lucario and Mew) [Lucario forced me to since he is the #1 member of my current roster]
A couple of Suzamiya posters (The only good posters I found)
SOS Brigade hat
Some Galaxy Angel II stuff
Some trading cards
A couple large manga magazines
An Evangelion artbook
A Roy Mustang cellphone strap for my friend in Korea
And some doujin

Most of my souvenirs were charms and the like from all of the temples. I also got a Hanshin Tigers cap and a couple of plushies from one of the aquariums.
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