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Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:30 pm

So anyway, its hideously unlucky to do anything today and I was terribly shocked to not see one of these threads already! What is happening to Miscellaneous Discussion these days....

Nevertheless, I hope everyone does their very best not to walk under any ladders or propose to anyone. Or get married.

Must be a slow day at town halls around the world.

Nevertheless, this is a fun story I once read in a Horrible History book, which I just googled and copied because I can't be bothered writing it out again.

The reluctance of seamen to sail on a Friday reached such epic proportions, that in the 1800s the British Government decided to take strong measures to prove the fallacy of the superstition. They laid the keel of a new vessel on Friday, selected her crew on a Friday, launched her on a Friday and named her HMS Friday. They then placed her in command of one Captain James Friday and sent her to sea for the first time on a Friday. The scheme worked well, and had only one drawback ... neither ship nor crew was ever heard from again.

That may seem extreme, but Snopes seems to agree...

So please people, be very careful. Its a brilliant excuse not to go to work/school, dont miss the opportunity!

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:42 pm

zorg wrote:Its a brilliant excuse not to go to work/school, dont miss the opportunity!

Heh, I wish I'd known this *before* I got to work... :P

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:10 pm

It is?
Heh, well so it is.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:54 pm

friday the 13th has always been a lucky day for me.

so I'm always pleased when it comes about.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:14 pm

I'm with MarchingDuck - I've always <3'd Friday the 13th!

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:30 pm

Friday the 13th is awesome. Nothing bad ever happens to me :) Guess I'm just that lucky.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:45 pm

I usually have great luck on Friday the 13th. Just one of those things.
I'm going to see my boyfriend in a musical tonight--it's opening weekend, so hopefully they don't experience too much bad luck themselves.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:44 pm

lol I'm definately testing my luck today. I asked a rather stubbern coworker to switch shifts w. me Saturday (so I could work morning instead of evening). She hasnt called me back yet so we'll see if today likes me or not.

& since I've been a paranormal researcher most of my life, I naturally love friday the 13th! (plus being a history major for 4 years, its fun to read about why friday the 13th got its bad rep. theres a nice peice on yahoo news about it today.) ... RhJc&fr=hp

Re: Friday the 13th.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:58 pm

I had a good friday 13th - i mean i got to see Kym, that has to be reason enough for it to be amazing... but there was other stuff too. my friday 13th was infinately better than my 070707

Re: Friday the 13th.

Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:10 am

Only two 'unlucky' things happened in my direction today:

1) Couldn't sleep all night and was up around 5 AM for an extra hour or so

2) When I actually did sleep, I overslept (missed my window to talk with friends in Korea) and didn't wake up until about 1330. I have been out of it until about 30 min ago.

Not too bad, but the day ain't over yet.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:02 am

My dad's best friend died and both of my cousins completely alienated themselves from my family.

Yep, crappy day.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:26 am

Fiddelysquat wrote:My dad's best friend died and both of my cousins completely alienated themselves from my family.

Yep, crappy day.

I had a bad day too. which is weird. usually my friday the 13th's are lovely.

i sorta had a mental breakdown...mostly because my boyfriend can be the biggest jerk in the world sometimes.

and I have a bad illness going on right now. no fun.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:21 am

As I said up there ^, I never had bad days but I came across a little kitten who was and it turns out that I get to keep her. Found myself a little cat and shes alive because I took her in. :)

Re: Friday the 13th.

Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:37 pm

My friend got pulled over on the way back from the Harry Potter movie (he was taking me home). Not that bad, but we realized after the fact that it was Friday the 13th.

Re: Friday the 13th.

Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:19 am

Nothing significant or even slightly unlucky happened on Fri the 13th.
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