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Difference between GPRS and GMS Phone Internet Connections

Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:38 am

If recently got a new phone for my birthday. Yay! lol. Anyway it has 2 options for the Bigpond internet connection. GPRS or GMS. What's the difference?

Re: Difference between GPRS and GMS Phone Internet Connections

Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:59 am

GSM is circuit switched. If the TraceME unit sends data via GSM, a channel is reserved (just like for voice communication) and data is transmitted. You’re charged for the time the channel is reserved.

GPRS is ‘always on’ and packet switched. Data is sliced into packets and transmitted through the GSM network. This is faster and cheaper because network capacity is used more effectively. You’re charged for the amount of data that’s being transported, not for the time that the unit is online.
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