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What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:47 pm

Okay, so we've all gotten in trouble for something or another and our parents have had to punish us...but every once in a while, we get off easy. (Either that, or our parents are so amused by whatever we've done wrong that they can't bring themselves to give us a 'proper' punishment!)
So, what has been the 'best' punishment you've ever had to endure?

Mine was the following, from my stepdad: "You are grounded from the computer for the rest of your life while you are asleep."

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:47 pm

They moved me to Derbyshire.
Don't think they meant it as a Punishment but still..

Seriously though I don't think I've ever really been punished for anything like that, ive barely been punished as is (Mainly because I don't do stupid things... And let my parents find out, anyway)

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:58 pm

Heh. I was a good kid for the most part - fear of my mom's punishments kept me in line. But apparently I amused my stepdad with what I'd done 'wrong' that particular time. I still don't know how he said it with a straight face.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:30 pm

Well, I got hit a lot when I was little by various that's my "punishment". Hmm, I guess the least painful thing I was ever hit was with a rice scooper. Yeahh...

But hey, I liked how I turned out. :P

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:42 pm

My parents have frequently done nothing or very little to me by way of punishment, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:22 am

This one time they made me write lines with this weird quill that uses my own blood, and it left a scar on the back of my hand.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:36 pm

when I was a little kid my grandmother would make me sit in the corner w. a bucket, a grater and lye soap. I had to grate the bar of soap until it was gone & then she'd just throw the bucket of scraps away. basically hard work for nothing. Also lye soap burns like none other if you have a cut or sensitive skin. I learned my lessons real quick.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:47 am

The old "soap in the mouth" punishment.

Too bad I liked the taste of soap as a child.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:20 pm

I was only really ever punished once and it totally sucked. My freshman year in high school, I failed biology for a quarter and proceeded to lie about it. My parents grounded me until the end of the school year. I couldn't hang out with any of my friends ever.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:41 am

my very worst punishment was being sent to my mum and step-dad which is where i am now. It's alright since Im in Hawaii and that's where they live, but the both of them are super religious and Im basically an atheist so there are loads of conflicts.
So many that now, as another form of 'punishment' my mum is sending me back to my dad.

Ironic, I know.

Other than that, being slapped about is definitley the worst punishment of all. I dont like parents who slap about their kids, but I do agree with spanking little ones simply because its the only way you are going to get a point to a brain that young.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:00 am

ellamcumber wrote:my very worst punishment was being sent to my mum and step-dad which is where i am now. It's alright since Im in Hawaii and that's where they live, but the both of them are super religious and Im basically an atheist so there are loads of conflicts.
So many that now, as another form of 'punishment' my mum is sending me back to my dad.

Ironic, I know.

Other than that, being slapped about is definitley the worst punishment of all. I dont like parents who slap about their kids, but I do agree with spanking little ones simply because its the only way you are going to get a point to a brain that young.

I know how you feel Ella. I lived w. my grandparents most of my life because my mom "couldnt handle me". funny thing is, I'm the good kid. My mom just doesnt like me because I'm not a superficial (insert rude word here) like my sister is.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:54 pm

My parents never really punished me o.O

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:00 pm

I was one of those annoying girls with good grades, who always acts good. And when I got abysmal marks on a couple of tests, I used to put up my best sad face and say, "But I studied so hard, I don't know why the teacher gave me such a low score. Maybe I'll need to revise this part that I didn't understand well?"
I kept failing latin tests, and my parents were sympathyzing with me.
Anyway, I doubt they'd do anything but ground me for a week or so.

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:29 am

Me - being punished?
Bwahaha, I'm a good boy o:-)

Re: What was the 'best' punishment your parents gave you?

Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:04 pm

I never really was punished... I was a good kid, and the worst punishment I've gotten was a spanking when I was younger. I suppose they didn't punish me not just because I was a good kid, but because my sister did all the bad stuff when she was my age. :P
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