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Who will be your prez?

Total votes : 28

PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here! [please lock]

Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:54 pm

It is that time again, to vote for a new president.
You have 2 choices: WIS and Typhoon. Though, you can only vote for one person!
The polls will close @ approx. 9:30 PM EST.
Sorry for the late opening.
Last edited by Light on Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:22 pm

Can you guys really trust Typhoon? A guy with two posts? Would you trust your forum to somebody who's only said two things?

Vote for me! The experienced choice!


Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:11 pm

This just released from the Typhoon campaign:

The Typhoon Campaign wrote:Tanner - 2008

A wonderful, kind-hearted, water-loving person who loves working with and helping others. Why should you vote for Tanner? Well, he's not afraid to tell you his real name :o And other than that, he's a great werewolf host and is working hard to bring werewolf back to life at PPT. The WIS campaign has been submitting false data to the residents of PPT.

WIS wrote:Can you guys really trust Typhoon? A guy with two posts?

Tanner actually has 1133 posts in PPT. WIS lies. Vote for Tanner.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:19 pm

The Typhoon Campaign wrote:Tanner - 2008

A wonderful, kind-hearted, water-loving person who loves working with and helping others. Why should you vote for Tanner? Well, he's not afraid to tell you his real name :o And other than that, he's a great werewolf host and is working hard to bring werewolf back to life at PPT. The WIS campaign has been submitting false data to the residents of PPT.

The WIS Campaign wrote:FALSE. Although Typhoon does post on CI. They do not increment the post counter. So therefore, by PPT "post count" standards they do not count. WIS has been making everybody at the forums happy, by making graphics; serving the people. So, vote WIS.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:23 pm

I am fully aware of Typhoon's impressive post count in the Coconut Isle forum, formerly known as No Nutritional Value.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:03 pm

The Lucario in my set would be upset if he didn't get to see WIS again. WIS/DM forever (or at least until next year)! (Not implying that DM and Light broke up though).

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:03 pm

Vote for WIS! :D

Number 1 Rule: If the candidate has enough posts that you can count on one hand, they are a bad person :lol:

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:13 pm

Siouxper wrote:Vote for WIS Tanner! :D

Number 1 Rule: If the candidate has enough posts that you can count on one hand, they are a bad person :lol:

Yeah, uh. Fixed it for you, and unless you have a mutant hand or something, you can't count 1133 on it.

Even if it has No Nutritional Value, it's still there.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:11 pm

2008 : It is a time for change. There is no better candidate to represent the people of PPT in power and bring change to the PPT Forums, than WIS. WIS does not just represent one group of us from the Coconut Isle; he represents all of us; and his post diversity shows us this. WIS worked for the people, putting in hours of work and time into their graphics. Why? Just to bring a smile to the faces of those he worked for. He is also a kind and nice person. WIS for President 2008.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:26 pm

WIS wrote:I am fully aware of Typhoon's impressive post count in the Coconut Isle forum, formerly known as No Nutritional Value.

Unlike my running opponent, I do not have any plans to resort to mudslinging in this campaign. I am a nice person, and I feel that my lack of activity on Neopets should not be the reason for WIS winning over me.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:32 pm

Typhoon wrote:
WIS wrote:I am fully aware of Typhoon's impressive post count in the Coconut Isle forum, formerly known as No Nutritional Value.

Unlike my running opponent, I do not have any plans to resort to mudslinging in this campaign. I am a nice person and I feel that my lack of activity on Neopets should not be the reason for WIS winning over me.

I do not see any mudslinging in WIS' post. He was just stating that the board was called NNV. And we never said anything about lack of activity on Neopets.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:42 pm

Only one day of voting? Didn't they have alot longer than that last year?

I object to that.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:48 pm

I just want to say that when I was kicked out of my house at the age of 6 with a new born child, I suffered for weeks on end in the streets. I was so desperate that I started going up to random houses and begging to be let in from the cold. Most people Immediately said no, but i heard of someone named WIS who was supposed to be kind to those in need. I reached his house on what happened to be the coldest day of the year and knocked. When the door open I looked up hoping to see a kind expression of welcome in his eyes, but all i saw was the cold, empty eyes of someone without a soul! Before i could even open my mouth to ask for help, he grabbed an umbrella and started chasing me down the road until i was so worn out I collapsed. Luckily, the cruel WIS left me alone after I fell, but I had no energy left to crawl away to my box in the alley. i was ready to shut my eyes and never open them again when a hand touched my shoulder. I looked up and thought I saw an angel, but it was really the quiet one, also known as Tanner or Typhoon! He helped me into his house and during the next few weeks nursed me back to health. Once I was better, he found me a job at a local gas station and helped me get on my feet, and now because of him, I own CKillor-Co. one of the prosperous gas station empires in all the land. I owe my life to Tanner, and thats why he should be President of not just PPT, but the WORLD!!
Vote Tanner!!

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:17 pm

Light wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
WIS wrote:I am fully aware of Typhoon's impressive post count in the Coconut Isle forum, formerly known as No Nutritional Value.

Unlike my running opponent, I do not have any plans to resort to mudslinging in this campaign. I am a nice person and I feel that my lack of activity on Neopets should not be the reason for WIS winning over me.

I do not see any mudslinging in WIS' post. He was just stating that the board was called NNV. And we never said anything about lack of activity on Neopets.

Well, as his Campaign Manager... :roll: Enough said. I was merely pointing out the fact that WIS is trying to lead the people to believe untrue things about my activity on PPT.

Re: PPT Elections 2008 : Vote here!

Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:20 pm


Yoshi says, 'Yoshi!' [Trans: A vote for Typhoon is a vote for the future!]


Ness thinks that WIS is 'Okay'.
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