Feel free to post about your eagerness here once you get a shipping notification or see that your order has shipped. Please start your posts with this info:
- Code:
Order date:
Shipped date:
Expected arrival:
If you do not know when your package should arrive, you can simply put "N/A" or such.
AmazonOrder date: 6/1
Shipped date: 6/1 & 6/2
Expected arrival: 6/4
These are some manga for myself and some Disney Fairies, Warriors, and Avalon books for the girls. I have Amazon Prime, so I get free two day shipping. I got part of my order yesterday, so I can't wait for the rest to come in today!
ThreadlessOrder date: 6/3
Shipped date: 6/4
Expected arrival: 6/6
I just got the shipping email for my Threadless order. The UPS website hasn't updated yet, so I don't know when it's supposed to arrive. How exciting, though! Hopefully it won't be too long. ^.^
Edit, 6/5: Woohoo! The site finally updated and it says they should be delivered 6/6, which is tomorrow! Excellent news. ^.^