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Have you tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Yes, I thought they were great
Yes, I thought they were not so great
No votes
Yes, but I'm on the fence about them....
No votes
No, but I want to try them out
No, I'm not really interested in them
Total votes : 13

Anyone ever tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:41 am

Right, well I'm thinking about buying a pair of waterproof headphones for my iPod Shuffle so I can listen to music while I swim train, but since I have no clue what said headphones are like, I wanted to see if anyone on the forums knew.
I had my eyes set on these. I thought they looked great, and since Natalie Coughlin is a swimmer I actually respect it made me more interested in trying them out.

Share your thoughts and experiences with any kind of underwater/waterproof headphones and casings for your mp3 players and your iPods. I'm interested :)
Last edited by 3lla on Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Anyone tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:34 pm

At first I read this as, "Anyone ever tried underwear/waterproof headphones."


Re: Anyone tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:21 pm

shapu wrote:At first I read this as, "Anyone ever tried underwear/waterproof headphones."


Me too. :lol: :o :lol:

Re: Anyone tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:02 pm

shapu wrote:At first I read this as, "Anyone ever tried underwear/waterproof headphones."


Changed the topic title after that XD
gah typing fast means bad grammar on my part. Sorry, haha :P

Re: Anyone ever tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:00 am

I've never tried these before but what an interesting concept. If I swam, I'd probably get a pair myself.

Re: Anyone ever tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:46 pm

We have some at my store and I've been interested in trying them out. But than again, I don't swim often enough to warrant a purchase of the headphones themselves.

Re: Anyone ever tried underwater/waterproof headphones?

Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:38 pm

Well i got the ones I wanted and I have to admit the sound quality is fantastic. For underwater I mean.
I thought that they would be ridiculously uncomfortable but in fact I nearly forgot they were ever there and ended up swimming even more than I thought I would!
It was strange at first(I kept fidgeting with the songs and earphones) but eventually I settled and went into a sort of autopilot mode which was great since I concentrate a bit too much when I swim train.

Of course I was worried that my iPod shuffle would end up blowing up or something, but I got out of the pool, dried off and opened up the case. They were perfectly dry! Not a single drop of water!
I honestly love them, but I still need more time to use them since I keep forgetting to bring them to the pool with me.
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