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Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:35 am

I'm leaving also, permanently.

As much as I would love to stay here - PPT has been my home for six years - I feel I must leave. I will miss a great deal of you.

For those of you who are staff members, there is a further post in the staff board detailing my reasons for leaving. I'm sure those of you who have friends with access will find these reasons out in due course.

It's been fun. I'll still be around on the internets - find me over at May's forum if you so choose.

I'm sure this post will cause some to change their opinion of me. For those it hasn't, feel free to contact me:

AIM: cold clockworks


Re: Goodbye.

Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:05 am

See ya Alex, I hope I still get to talk to you a bit over at May's forums.

Re: Goodbye.

Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:10 am

So long, Alex. It sucks seeing people depart, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Keep your nose clean.

The rest of you, too, come to think of it.
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