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The Super Duper Good News Thread

Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:22 pm

OK, so since the start of 2009, things apart from my broken rib have been looking up...

I've got a new agent with the possibility of getting further on in my acting career,
my dad's only got 7 weeks of chemo left - then he should be all better,
I've got a feature film, at least 4 short films and 100 voiceovers booked in!
I've got my new website

So, so far this is my list of yey's for the moment.

What's your good news?

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:34 pm

Ooh, that's all fabulous! :)

My new computer came in early. <3 I'm so excited! I haven't had a decent running computer in years, as many of you know from my absences. haha We're still downloading and installing things, but it's mostly set. I must admit, I did tear up a bit when I first started it up and was able to actually do things. I'm so unbelievably happy about it. :D
Also, the girls have a snow day today and are home all day, so that's a very big yay. :)
My new perfumes should be coming in a couple days. :)
Our new fitness game should be here today. I'm so excited to start working out again! :)

That's all I can think of at the moment because my new computer is blocking everything else from mind. haha

How about everyone else? :)

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:34 am

werepup wrote:I've got a feature film, at least 4 short films and 100 voiceovers booked in!

To quote Keanu Reeves: "Woah"

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:00 pm

TDG wrote:
werepup wrote:I've got a feature film, at least 4 short films and 100 voiceovers booked in!

To quote Keanu Reeves: "Woah"

Yeah, it's sweeeet... feature film should be called Get Funded... which we're trying to get funding for at the moment, the short films - Hush, I Heart You, Speed Dating and Bite Me - although I'm not sure if Bite Me's getting turned into a feature.

The 100 voiceovers is a contract of 100 short adverts for Edinburgh restaurants. Awesomeness!

I need a new showreel though.

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:17 am

I've currently got a wet, shivering kitten on my stomach tucked underneath my blankets. I just pulled her out of the swimming pool after she tried drinking from it and toppled in. She'd been in there for probably three or four minutes before I go to her but she was a little fighter and clung onto a hose that's draped into the pool. I think its pretty good news :)

[EDIT] - Fighter kitten's just started purring and is looking a lot better

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:02 pm

I built a computer! And it works. Yeah, I'm surprised too. :roll:

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:43 am

I won a trophy at my dance competition last night for the "competitor with the most Irish spirit." The trophy is named after my friend who died while we were dancing together 3 years ago this St. Patrick's Day... he lived more fully in 59 years than most people could fit into 100. Just a few facts about him:

1) He had more varied interests and hobbies than anyone else I've ever met. Just from talking to him, he'd been a varsity track & field athlete, marathoner, rescue and salvage diver, volunteer firefighter, Army Reserves trainer, Special Olympics coach, science fair judge, beekeeper, Tai Kwan Do martial artist, ballroom dancer, woodcarver, lilter, Irish language learner, Irish stepdancer... and these are just things that came up randomly in conversation -- he never boasted. All of this was in addition to working full-time as an environmental engineer.

2) He'd put all his effort into things, practicing conscientiously, with a humble attitude, yet without beating himself up if he was a bit slower than he'd like. For example, his wood carvings were amazing 3D renderings of images lifted from the Book of Kells (yes, intricate knotwork and fantastical animals -- he'd spend 200-400 hours on each, and then would enter it in art competitions for a year while starting the next one). He would ask us to practice our group dances over and over again just to keep us from getting nervous during competitions/shows.

3) He had a warm smile and a friendly word for everyone. At dance competitions, everyone lines up on stage and then dances, two at a time, right after the people in front of you are done, so that you have to keep count of the music to know when to start. But somehow Nash would remember who danced which step particularly well and compliment them on it afterwards.

4) He accepted what life had to offer him with grace. He took up Tai Kwan Do after he couldn't run anymore, and then had to quit that after his bypass surgery (all before I knew him). So then he took up Irish stepdancing. He had disc surgery a year before he died and confided in me once that he really didn't want to ever have to give up dancing, but he was just happy to be able to dance as long as he could.

5) His last words, he apologized for messing up the show.

So to be given a trophy that commemorates this man's spirit is humbling and touching.

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:25 pm

My dad had his last dose of chemo yesterday... getting his last ct scan (fingers crossed) on Tuesday. I'm so happy... I can't tell you.

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:59 pm

That's wonderful news Iya. Let's hope it's the last one he'll ever need and that he'll be up and kicking again very soon.

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:00 pm

My shoulder has completely healed after an accident I sustained over two years ago. So now I can go back to doing some hard core training and more intensive sports :D
Good health here I come!

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:15 pm

Spring Break! Whoo!

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:03 pm

Filming on Saturday on a film called Outcast... should be fun.

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:32 am

You know what I'm going to say right? PHOTOS! I DEMAND PHOTOS!

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:21 am

Haha - no chance... I went in and they said my hair looked too clean... they started pilling products on to my hair to make it look greesy, then added makeup to make me look pretty much ill.

Unflattering much? It was still a good laugh though.

Re: The Super Duper Good News Thread

Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:42 pm

Neverrr! No doubt it was fun... that is why you should put up photos so we can share in the hilarity. :evil:

Go on. I dare you. With a cherry on top.
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