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Wow, go you graceful thing *sarcasm*

Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:36 am

Bah! Guess who is at home from a sprained ankle?

ohoh I know! *raises hand*
Yes Kristy?
You are correct!

Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:40 pm

Oh no!! What happened?!

Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:19 pm

In Gym Yesterday, my friends and I went outside, and did frizbe (out of soccerr, or frizbee, I think I did pretty well.) If this was the case, i would have been happier, but my firneds and I that day were more...or less caring about marks, and more about having fun, so halfway through, we saw a grade 10-12 guy reading a book (we being in grade nine) he was from the other school, and my friend said he looked so lonely, hat we should amke friends. Heh, so, We go down the hill...and then...tehr was a rock. Not a big rock noooo, it was a small bloody rock, I tripped, fell. And sat. Only my friends noticed, we abandoned our friendship making, and I limped through the day. Grad was that night, so, of course, being an idjit, I thought, "oh well, I'll ice it later", and slid on my heels. 11:00, and I'm home...with an ankle the size of a golf ball. Thats my whole glamourous story. Distribution rights are being copyrighted as we speak. So far, I've spent the day TRYING to DL an indie movie, and watching old disney, or 'technicolored' ones ie. 'It's a Wonderful Life'

Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:04 pm

Sprained ankle, eh? I feel for ya. I've sprained the same ankle four times. Well, I actually sprained my toe the first time, but I couldn't walk so it's pretty much the same. Sprained it in second grade. Sprained ankle in fourth grade. And fifth. And sixth. The last time was a few months ago. I'd tell ya the story, but then I'd be stealing your moment. =P

Try walking on it a bit. That's what helped me. No pain, no gain. Hope ya feel better. :3

Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:30 pm

Awwww, poor thing...put some deep heat cream on it and go to bed.

Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:32 am

For once, I agree with Chris, go get some rest, it's supposed to heal quicker if you do that ;)

Thu Jun 10, 2004 7:18 pm

Midnight wrote:Heh, so, We go down the hill...and then...there was a rock. Not a big rock noooo, it was a small bloody rock.

That made me laugh out loud for no real reason. I'm strange.

Go ask a parent to go buy you the entire season of your favorite show. That's what I'd like to do if I ever sprain my ankle. (Hint: Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, disc 2. "Once more with feeling" is the best episode ever and it'll give you something to do, memorizing the lyrics. But that's just me ;))

Thu Jun 10, 2004 7:37 pm

Well... wise man once say... what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:12 am

Sprained ankles suck!!!
The first time I sprained my ankle it was in a totally stupid way. I was just walking around and all of a sudden my foot kinda gave out and twisted. And it was on flat ground too. And the second time I sprained it it was totally stupid too. It was raining and I was jumping on the trampoline in a bathing suit cuz I was gonna go swimming when I was done jumping. And all of a sudden my foot gave out and it hurt really bad. And I had my first cheerleading practice of the year the next day. Which sucked. But at least it got me out of running around the track for 15 minutes and doing jumps in almost 90 degree heat.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 7:44 am

Oh gosh, poor very bloody annoying. :( Hope you're feeling better soon *hugs*

Fri Jun 11, 2004 8:21 am

Home with a sprained ankle? Lucky :P

My friend Joe turned his ankle right over doing Cripple Jump (aka Triple Jump) and he carried on running on it, and it was fine. Very odd.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:09 am

Ick, sprained ankles always hurt... I'm glad to see that you feeling better though! :)

It was that boy, he put a spell on you, I say!

Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:41 am

lol, White_Wolf.

Just get some rest and it'll heal over time. ;)

Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:10 pm

Owies. Bandage it up (not with little plastic band-aids but white cloth strips) tight. It helps the pain. I did that for the three times I sprained my wrist(s). Obviously don't tie them so tight blood circulation is in difficulty though.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:26 pm

Midnight wrote:In Gym Yesterday, my friends and I went outside, and did frizbe (out of soccerr, or frizbee, I think I did pretty well.) If this was the case, i would have been happier, but my firneds and I that day were more...or less caring about marks, and more about having fun, so halfway through, we saw a grade 10-12 guy reading a book (we being in grade nine) he was from the other school, and my friend said he looked so lonely, hat we should amke friends. Heh, so, We go down the hill...and then...tehr was a rock. Not a big rock noooo, it was a small bloody rock, I tripped, fell. And sat. Only my friends noticed, we abandoned our friendship making, and I limped through the day. Grad was that night, so, of course, being an idjit, I thought, "oh well, I'll ice it later", and slid on my heels. 11:00, and I'm home...with an ankle the size of a golf ball. Thats my whole glamourous story. Distribution rights are being copyrighted as we speak. So far, I've spent the day TRYING to DL an indie movie, and watching old disney, or 'technicolored' ones ie. 'It's a Wonderful Life'

You sure you didn't hit your head? :roll:
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