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Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:14 am

sunday, great. Go back to school tomorrow.

Hiw come the monday of a school day is alway the worst, yet further on in the week seem to fly through it?

I am sooo not looking forward to getting up early tomorrow!

Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:28 am

What? I've been at school for over two weeks now. It's not that bad.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:29 am

Mondiess be always a'laggin', me heartie. Ye've jist got ta keep on sailin', till Thursdy. Mondy through Wednesdy be th' hardest days o' th' week, but aft'r 'em, th' rest o' th' week be fine. Keep yer chin up, aye?

Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:29 am

vkceankraz wrote:Mondiess be always a'laggin', me heartie. Ye've jist got ta keep on sailin', till Thursdy. Mondy through Wednesdy be th' hardest days o' th' week, but aft'r 'em, th' rest o' th' week be fine. Keep yer chin up, aye?

I do, but I was asking why monday was always the hardest schoolday....

Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:34 am

Be it not obvious? Mondy's th' day right aft a weekend. Ye've rested fer two days 'n' then ye've got ter get back ter work. No one likes ter leave th' day of rest ter labor.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 9:13 am

Just eat some chocolate chunk/chip cookies and you'll feel better. *goes off to check on cookies in the oven* (no that's serious, I am baking cookies XD)

Sun Sep 19, 2004 9:40 am

I like mondays, means I can see my friends again:P We live miles apart.

Firdays are the worst, imho.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:00 am

Arr, meybe it be your timetable lass. It m'y be I be reckoning th't your hardest day m'y well it be on Mond'y lass. Or it could just be th't what my fellow shipmates said - you see your fri'nds 'n' ye h've just finished a'restin'... yarr... h've a cr'cker...

Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:53 am

Aye, it be monday-mornin' eyetus. *nods*

Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:31 am

Me Mondays aint so bad m'lass, s'ma Wednesdays that do drag

Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:39 am

Heh. Don't wake up late even on weekends, then it won't matter that you have to get up early on Monday ;)

I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow, myself ^_^ I like 3/4 of the subjects I take on Monday.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:57 pm

Didn't you say you already started school in your LJ?

Anyway, school isn't that bad. I've been there for... 6 weeks on Tuesday. The first day is a bit confusing, but you eventually get over it.

Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:52 pm

All you got it easy, I have school on Sunday too :P

Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:03 pm

Don't hate Mondays, remember, it's 1/7 of your life. ;)

Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:47 am

I agree. Mondays always seem longest, especially in my case today where I had to do two long exams. *shudders*

Ah well, by the end of the week I'll be on holidays!
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