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Haven't we had enough rain already?

Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:32 am

It's raining at my house again. It has rained so much in the past month that the river flooded a few weeks ago and I'm sure they're gonna flood again. But it's not the flooding I care about. I live super high up. The whole town would have to be under water before our house flooded.

I'm mad cuz I really need the weather to be nice today. Planning my stupid party was enough of a pain in the butt. If it stays rainy all my plans are gonna be ruined and we'll have nothing to do. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I don't care if it rains for the rest of the summer as long as it wouldn't rain today.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:35 am

I know how you feel, only its like the different. I haven't had rain in a while so it bites but when it does rain (today) it happens to be the day I want to go skateboarding. It started raining on me when I was outside lol.

Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:59 am

*clears throat*
Let me see... drought drought drought... drought drought.
Oh hey! It's Alberta!

Since my family does have a farm (albeit small) That supports cattle and grain production i'm sick of not having rain. We need it badly.
Our 12 foot dugouts have 2 feet of water in them, and they're spring fed.
I would've preferred the water in the form of run off from the snow, but at least this way, the crops are watered.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:16 am

I just got out of several storms. It's supposed to be pretty nice for a week, and then there's more rain. At least it's not just hot and humid, then you wish it would rain because it'll cool off a bit.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:01 am

Well, it's been off and on here. They forecast rain every afternoon and we never get it. However, it has managed to say relatively cool this past week even without the rain.

I do worry that next week wont be so forgiving though. I don't want to have to go through 35 degree weather again.

It's just not fun.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:10 am

I'm sorry about your party, I hope everything turns out ok. It's the opposite for me, I wish it would start raining here. I missed sitting in my room and lisening to the rain and thunder outside.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:59 am

Well, you could play indoor games or do activities indoors if it rains...

Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:04 am

its actually been raining here all week, its not raining right now but it was peggin it down earlier on and thru the night

Theres a lake down the bottom of my road, which was empty 3 weeks ago. Its nearly half full now :( (its big though... )

Well hope everything turns out okay

Its the yurbles! THEY'RE EVIL!

Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:03 pm

zorg wrote:its actually been raining here all week, its not raining right now but it was peggin it down earlier on and thru the night

Theres a lake down the bottom of my road, which was empty 3 weeks ago. Its nearly half full now :( (its big though... )

Well hope everything turns out okay

Its the yurbles! THEY'RE EVIL!

Well, if the lake was dried up and it's not ment for retention purposes, then that's a good thing. And as long as you're on a hill you shouldn't have to worry about floods.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:35 pm

Hey, I live in England, I'm used to it!! Actually it's been pretty sunny here ironic

Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:13 pm

Twinkle wrote:Hey, I live in England, I'm used to it!! Actually it's been pretty sunny here ironic

Yup. British weather. *roll of the eyes* Though yes, it has been quite sunny lately. :)

Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:19 pm

i_love_starburst wrote:
Twinkle wrote:Hey, I live in England, I'm used to it!! Actually it's been pretty sunny here ironic

Yup. British weather. *roll of the eyes* Though yes, it has been quite sunny lately. :)

It's been decent, yes.
Except yesterday, when we went on an English trip to Grasmere. It rained for an hour, while we were on the bus. Fine. Except that someone had the bright idea of opening the sun roof.

Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:36 pm

Igg wrote:
i_love_starburst wrote:
Twinkle wrote:Hey, I live in England, I'm used to it!! Actually it's been pretty sunny here ironic

Yup. British weather. *roll of the eyes* Though yes, it has been quite sunny lately. :)

It's been decent, yes.
Except yesterday, when we went on an English trip to Grasmere. It rained for an hour, while we were on the bus. Fine. Except that someone had the bright idea of opening the sun roof.

Oh God... :roll: People nowadays XD

On other notes, yeah, it has been quite fact, it hasn't rained in my part of England for a few days now O_O this is highly unusual...

Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:52 pm

Personally, I wouldn't mind some rain, seeing as how I live practically in the middle of the desert...

Actually, this is sort of supposed to be a rainy season in LA, but it really hasn't been...

Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:43 pm

I used to love the rain, but I'm getting sick of it too. It's rained constantly for the past 2 weeks, and it's supposed to rain all next week too. The river here is flooding. Guess there goes my plans for getting a tan :(
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