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Prank Calls- Not your average funny joke

Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:27 pm

I'm sure many of you have recieved prank calls at least once or twice and if you haven't, consider yourself lucky.

Just recently, since two days ago, my family has been recieving prank calls. When we pick up the phone we either hear, no sound, some indian music or a prayer which is used for the month of Ramadan. Now, I am Muslim therefore the person who is doing this has some knowledge of my religion. Anywho, this person began to call on October 25th at 6:00-7:00pm. He continued to call to the point where my dad called the police. They simply said, "Disconnect your phone". We did that for the upstairs and basement phone only. We turned the ringer off for the middle floor phone but I still saw the button flash at various times. The last time I saw the button flashing was around 11:00pm that same night. They kept calling the whole night but we simply didn't hear it because the volume was turned off.

The following day (Yesterday), we recieved a phone call at 12:00am. I was up because I didn't have to go to school the next day which is today. Anywho, I picked up the phone and this person started to mumble something. It was a weird mumble and I swear I heard him say "Digimon". I then hung up the phone. I know it's a guy because the voice was that of a male.

Today, when I woke up, the phone was ringing and the person left a message on the answering machine. The message was an indian song, it was playing loudly in the background and the person wasn't saying anything.

On our Caller ID it says, "PRIVATE NAME, UNKNOWN NUMBER". Therefore we don't know who it is and we can't do anything about this situation.

Now, I don't know about you, but I do not want to continue day after day getting retarted phone calls. I mean, what if this person is dangerous? I don't know that he isn't or is. Does anyone have any solutions?
Last edited by Ammer on Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:50 pm

Quite creepy, but those calls seem more like accidents/weird bugs rather than prank calls. Though you can't rule out the possibility of a friend of yours trying to spook you out... :roll:

Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:56 pm

Qanda wrote:Quite creepy, but those calls seem more like accidents/weird bugs rather than prank calls. Though you can't rule out the possibility of a friend of yours trying to spook you out... :roll:

I don't think it's a friend. I forgot to add it started on October 25th at 6:00-7:00pm and it continued to when I went asleep. We disconnected the phone (Upstairs and basement) but the middle floor phone was still connected. But the ringer was turned off. But I still saw the red button keep flashing meaning someone was calling, and that was around 11:00pm.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:02 pm

^ Paranoia. It could have been someone else. :)

Perhaps someone's mobile phone randomly calls you at times (putting it in pockets = risking it calling).

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:08 pm

Hunter Lupe wrote:^ Paranoia. It could have been someone else. :)

Perhaps someone's mobile phone randomly calls you at times (putting it in pockets = risking it calling).

Sorry, I'm just a little paranoid at this moment. And if it's someone's moblie phone, how can they be playing different indian songs and the Ramadan prayer? I mean, I understand if they call me at like random times but on October 25th they called our house repeatedly. Sometimes with no answer, sometimes with indian music and sometimes with the Ramadan prayer.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:08 pm

I had calls where this machine speaks to me, saying I have some important business or something. What I would NOT suggest is to pick up the phone and swear at the person unless it's a machine (because that's exactly what I did. Hey I mean I get frustrated when someone calls in the middle when I'm trying to do something). What I would suggest is seriously call the police (I think you have done so but they don't seem to do anything) and maybe seek for help. Or you can change your phone number, which wouldn't be a very practical thing to do.

I'm 50/50 about if he's dangerous or not (but seriously, why does he say "digimon"...?!) but there is a chance that he is. Or if you're fortunate, like HL said, it might be some mobile callin off random numbers...(I know mine called the police station :roll: not good).

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:13 pm

_jaye_ wrote:I had calls where this machine speaks to me, saying I have some important business or something. What I would NOT suggest is to pick up the phone and swear at the person unless it's a machine (because that's exactly what I did. Hey I mean I get frustrated when someone calls in the middle when I'm trying to do something). What I would suggest is seriously call the police (I think you have done so but they don't seem to do anything) and maybe seek for help. Or you can change your phone number, which wouldn't be a very practical thing to do.

I'm 50/50 about if he's dangerous or not (but seriously, why does he say "digimon"...?!) but there is a chance that he is. Or if you're fortunate, like HL said, it might be some mobile callin off random numbers...(I know mine called the police station :roll: not good).

It sounded like "Digimon", I'm not entirely sure. But, we haven't picked up the phone ever since they called. We picked it up once today but we're now ignoring it. They have only called once -- so far today.


And here's another "twist" to the story. My mom had a conversation with her boss a week or so ago and she said her son and his friends prank called people for 3-4 hours at a time. My mom and I immediately suspected them and my mom said if they didn't call tomorrow (In this case, tomorrow was yesterday) than she was 100% sure it was them. Well, low and behold no one called last night until 12:00am. Apparently, my mom's boss' son was at a party. Therefore, we were sure it was him. However, we got a call this morning. Now, this guy is supposed to be at school, how could he prank call us if he's at school? Unless, he is sick at home. I'm so confused.

Oh and our suspect is in University. Go figure.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:17 pm

There are phones in schools as well. However, why would your mother's boss' son prank call your family? Anyway, seeing as you have caller ID, just use it. If the number says private, let it go to the answering machine/voice mail. If it is someone important that you need to speak with, they will leave a message and most likely give you a phone number to call.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:21 pm

robot wrote:There are phones in schools as well. However, why would your mother's boss' son prank call your family? Anyway, seeing as you have caller ID, just use it. If the number says private, let it go to the answering machine/voice mail. If it is someone important that you need to speak with, they will leave a message and most likely give you a phone number to call.

I don't know why he would. He has a history of prank calling. And we let them leave a message and the message was loud indian music. I don't know how much more of this I can take.


Dan suggested to me to call my provider and ask them to block the call. Even if it's "PRIVATE NAME, UNKNOWN NUMBER" they can still block it. I'll tell my dad to do that once he comes home.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:34 pm

Can you *69 (or whatever the Canadian equivelant is) it, or is the number blocked from that too? Sometimes you can get the number through *69 even if it doesn't show on caller id...

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:37 pm

Cassi wrote:Can you *69 (or whatever the Canadian equivelant is) it, or is the number blocked from that too? Sometimes you can get the number through *69 even if it doesn't show on caller id...

The Canadian way is also *69 and we did that on October 25th. The number was blocked there as well.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:40 pm

Ammer wrote:
Cassi wrote:Can you *69 (or whatever the Canadian equivelant is) it, or is the number blocked from that too? Sometimes you can get the number through *69 even if it doesn't show on caller id...

The Canadian way is also *69 and we did that on October 25th. The number was blocked there as well.

Contact the phone company. Tell them you're being harrassed by this number, and that you need to know who it is.

Also, contact the police again - tell them that you're beginning to feel unsafe. Even if it's not true, they have to investigate reports that involve intimidation.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:47 pm

shapu wrote:
Ammer wrote:
Cassi wrote:Can you *69 (or whatever the Canadian equivelant is) it, or is the number blocked from that too? Sometimes you can get the number through *69 even if it doesn't show on caller id...

The Canadian way is also *69 and we did that on October 25th. The number was blocked there as well.

Contact the phone company. Tell them you're being harrassed by this number, and that you need to know who it is.

Also, contact the police again - tell them that you're beginning to feel unsafe. Even if it's not true, they have to investigate reports that involve intimidation.

I will tell my dad to call. However, if we find out who it is, than what? Should we call them ask them to stop or simply block the number? Because if we call them and ask them to stop, they'll do it even more. Blocking the number will make more sense but they might call from different phones.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:19 pm

I think this person has been messing with *67.
It blocks numbers from caller id and *69.
Call the operator and find the option to trace the number.
My mom thinks it is *65.
It has an option to contact the police.
Last edited by Adam loves Hilary Duff on Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:21 pm

Seems annoying, you could stop ansering the phone for a while, and maybe they'll just give up after a while, or if it persist then changing your number mite be a measure that you could take.
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