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Model United Nations

Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:40 am

Okay. I am going to a model United Nations at a college nearby, and am representing Belize on the issue of Nuclear Proliferation.

God help me, I can't find anything on Belize's stand on the issue. It's a little Central American country. It doesn't HAVE nuclear weapons.

*is panicking*

I need to write a 3 paragraph essay, and submit it by Friday. The guidelines for the paragraphs is as follows.

1st Paragraph (got this pretty much covered)
-General history of nuclear proliferation
-What specific events have occurred related to this issue in the past 3-5 months?

2nd Paragraph
-What have been your country's previous olicies/actions?
-What have been neighboring countries actions concerning it?

3rd Paragraph
- What does your country believe needs to be done?
-on which aspects of this topic do you believe your country is willing to compromise?

*bangs head against a wall* I think I'm doomed. I'm not finding any useful info specifically about Belize.

Also, has anyone ever BEEN to a model UN conference? What are they like?

Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:36 am

Yuo can take one of two stances of course.

1. 'The presence of Nuclear Devices forever threatens the entire world, let alone Belize, thusly we believe that nuclear weapons should not be allowed to exist.

2. We feel as a smaller nation of the world that our nuclear weapons capable allies safeguard our national security against any threat.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:29 pm

Wow you definatley drew the short straw! Have you tried doing a search for other peoples essays on this and then using those as a reference for some ideas? Other than that, try and get as much information about the countries beliefs and religions as possible and write your essay based on that information.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:26 pm

Christopher wrote:Yuo can take one of two stances of course.

1. 'The presence of Nuclear Devices forever threatens the entire world, let alone Belize, thusly we believe that nuclear weapons should not be allowed to exist.

2. We feel as a smaller nation of the world that our nuclear weapons capable allies safeguard our national security against any threat.

Yes, personally, I could choose those two. But I have to find out WHAT Belize's official opinion is.

And xjox, trust me when I say I've searched. I've found some minor things after searching for about two hours though. I'm currently attempting to stretch it all out to make three paragraphs.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:45 pm

Well, I did a little research.

- Belize is part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

- Belize was absent from voting some nuclear things in the Fifty-sixth General Assembly.

-Belize signed Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. "The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (also known as the Treaty of Tlatelolco) obligates Latin American parties not to acquire or possess nuclear weapons, nor to permit the storage or deployment of nuclear weapons on their territories by other countries. Besides the agreement among the Latin American countries themselves, there are two Additional Protocols dealing with matters that concern non-Latin American countries. Protocol I involves an undertaking by non-Latin American countries that have territories in the nuclear-free zone. Protocol II involves an undertaking by those powers which possess nuclear weapons. The United States is a party to both protocols. "

- More votes on nuclear things

Another Vote-

Hopefully these things help.. :)

Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:59 pm

I was at a model parliment last weekend...I'm not sure, but it's probably the same thing except with one person from each country instead of two side (Government and Opposition). T'was a fun weekend indeed.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:44 am

matterbug wrote:Well, I did a little research.

- Belize is part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

- Belize was absent from voting some nuclear things in the Fifty-sixth General Assembly.

-Belize signed Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. "The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (also known as the Treaty of Tlatelolco) obligates Latin American parties not to acquire or possess nuclear weapons, nor to permit the storage or deployment of nuclear weapons on their territories by other countries. Besides the agreement among the Latin American countries themselves, there are two Additional Protocols dealing with matters that concern non-Latin American countries. Protocol I involves an undertaking by non-Latin American countries that have territories in the nuclear-free zone. Protocol II involves an undertaking by those powers which possess nuclear weapons. The United States is a party to both protocols. "

- More votes on nuclear things

Another Vote-

Hopefully these things help.. :)

I had found info on the treaties already, but some of the other sites were helpful. Thank a bunch!

Muaha! I actually finished my paper! *does a little happy dance*

teddymon, it's not one person from each country, actually. It's one person per issue per country. And there's a total of about 10 issues I think, so each country has 10 people.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:19 am

I had found info on the treaties already, but some of the other sites were helpful. Thank a bunch!

Muaha! I actually finished my paper! *does a little happy dance*

teddymon, it's not one person from each country, actually. It's one person per issue per country. And there's a total of about 10 issues I think, so each country has 10 people.

You're welcome. Congrats on getting it done! Hope ya have fun.. :)
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